Let democracy prevail

Democracy is the solution, but it needs the country to stay the course

We live in a country where both important constituent elements of the state, people, and the government, comprehend the problems the country is facing and provide their solutions as well. The country is currently facing severe economic problems, from the depletion of foreign exchange reserves to the decline in the value of the Pakistani Rupee; the multiple challenges to the economy and their solutions are at the fingertips of government officials, political leaders, and the people who are educated and interested in state affairs. It is not limited to educated people only, even apolitical people also have something to offer in this regard.

Similarly, all other matters of sheer importance like educational problems, ethnic and religious differences, flaws in democracy, and governance crises are deliberated on and talked about by the people, political leaders, and government representatives. They identify the problems and give remedies.

But, despite all these efforts, the major problems have persisted even after 75 years of independence. The situation has remained the same or in some cases, it has even become worse. Pakistan has been facing governance, economic, education, health, ethnic, and religious problems since its inception. In some domains, the situation has become worse but the root cause remains the same.

Why is that so? It is either because people are not selecting the right leadership to govern the country or the leadership does not deliver when in power.

The people have not been able to select the best leadership that would have solved the problems of the country by taking effective steps. The leadership did not or could not deliver, whatever the circumstances may have been.

The fault lies here. And to move forward in the right direction one of these elements has to take the first step.

Let the people have faith in the system and be ready for a change. Knowledge and reasoning should guide them instead of impulses. Let Impulses not overwhelm rationality in them. They should prefer long-term benefits over short-term advantages. In this way, they will be able to select the best leaders who will deliver when in power.

Which will come good first? It is somewhat similar to the debate, which came first? The chicken or the egg? However, this question needs an answer, and that too without any delay.

What will happen first? The people will select the best leaders who will deliver when in government or any selected leadership in power will come good and deal with all these problems and take the country forward. What is the way forward? How can the situation become better?

It has to be a gradual process. It cannot happen overnight. The founder of Pakistan envisioned a democratic state and democracy as the form of government in the country. Democracy is a culture. It has to be developed. Once developed, it has the potential to take the country forward.

For that purpose, democracy needs to prevail in the country in whatever capacity it can. Let society and the people gather the momentum for a change through the work of thinkers, writers, intellectuals, academics, and media. The power of knowledge and reasoning has to be the guiding force.

The political leaders when in government will never work for people unless they are answerable to people. The best leaders cannot come from a vacuum or the existing rulers cannot change overnight.

The status quo is not likely to create competent leadership or politically empowered people. But, to make sure the track remains straight and clear, democracy should prevail in the country. Only then can one expect a change in the future. The evolving history of modern democratic states offers examples.

However, the working of democracy should be strengthened in the country. The first step in this regard is the acceptance of the supremacy of the Constitution. And, the working of every organ of the state within the constitutional limit.

Everyone should let the system work. But unfortunately, the system is being made to collapse from all sides. No revolution or overhauling of the system is needed. What is needed most is continuity. The continuity of the system with the power of knowledge and reasoning as the guiding force for the people will bring change.

And for that purpose, society and the people need to evolve gradually under the guidance of knowledge imparted by intellectuals, academics, writers, media, and educational institutions.

No one needs to be a revolutionary or a game changer. No political leader or party should portray itself as the ultimate saviour. No government should consider itself the ultimate government for the survival of the country. And people should ignore any such temptation. All should let democracy work according to the Constitution and be a part of the process.

But, unfortunately, the complex history of Pakistan, especially the last year has only halted the working of democracy and hindered the democratic evolution in the country.

Since the event of the vote of no-confidence last March, political polarization, and tussling have resulted in unconstitutional decisions and undemocratic practices time and again. The increased resentment in people towards the system as a result of flawed politics has derailed the democratic evolution further.

How long it will take to reach the ideal situation is not known. But, it is a continuity that will lead to that stage. In search of instant revolutions and transformations, the system should not be compromised. The rise of populist leaders, democratic dictatorships, fascist regimes, and authoritarian rules in the world is all because of the need for instant change. The democratic evolution will buy its time but will give results. So for that purpose, we should let democracy prevail at least.

The rising inflation and economic instability in the country will further hurt the working of democracy in the country by inviting public wrath against the system. The people are so agitated and crushed that they want instant results. This means less use of reasoning and more use of impulses in selecting the leaders. Given the circumstances, a change is not likely to take place immediately. However, the continuity of democracy in the country will bring change in the future.

For that purpose, the government representative, political leaders, and state institutions should at least take steps that don’t hurt the state of democracy in the country. Sanity needs to prevail. And their actions should be progressive, not retrogressive.

Let the people have faith in the system and be ready for a change. Knowledge and reasoning should guide them instead of impulses. Let Impulses not overwhelm rationality in them. They should prefer long-term benefits over short-term advantages. In this way, they will be able to select the best leaders who will deliver when in power.

People, politicians, state institutions, and the government all should remember that no one is above the state and they only exist because of Pakistan so every action they take should be beneficial to Pakistan.

Muhammad Ali Alvi
Muhammad Ali Alvi
The writer is freelance columnist

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