Power wastage

HBL Pakistan Super League (PSL) is becoming a brand for Pakistan and the event is now an image-building tool for the country. Having said that, has someone tried to work out the cost-benefit ratio of the scheme? In these difficult economic times, it should not become a symbol of our national extravagance.

Owing to the shortage of foreign exchange reserves, the country has been facing electricity and natural gas load- shedding to cut down on its oil imports, and the public is being regularly advised to reduce business hours. Sadly, while we have sunny days and pleasant weather, all PSL matches are scheduled to be played after sunset, which certainly seems to be an illogical step on the part of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) and the government.

Has the minister for power assessed how much power will we end up wasting on holding PSL matches? And, making it worse is the fact that this is being done when the government is constantly talking of austerity drives in these challenging times.

Besides, the world has been facing adverse effects of climate change, and we, too, faced destruction last year owing to massive floods triggered by climate change. Has the relevant minister, who recently made an impact during international climate change meetings, assessed the carbon footprint by allowing PSL matches to be held under lights that are powered by fossil fuel?

We should think about our power consumption behaviour during PSL matches, especially at the current juncture of our existence. If it is possible, the remaining matches should be re-scheduled and be held to optimise daylight usage.



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