Chinese seed company starts trial of single and triple gene cotton in Pak varieties

BEIJING: Chinese seed company Jinghua started trial of single and triple gene Chinese Bt cotton varieties in the farms of Central Cotton Research Institute (CCRI) Multan to assess how these high yielding, long staple and disease resistant varieties respond to the Pakistani soil and climatic conditions.

Cooperation between Pakistani and Chinese agriculture scientists would benefit Pakistani cotton economy in a big way, said CCRI Multan Director Dr Zhid Mahmood in a statement.

Earlier, Dr Zahid Mahmood, accompanied by other scientists witnessed the seed trial of Chinese seed company Jinghua along with company representative Mr. Li.

On this occasion, Mr. Li said that the trial of single and triple gene Chinese varieties was aimed at promoting mechanized farming, high density planting and producing best quality fibre cotton in Pakistan, China Economic Net (CEN).

Detailing characteristics, Mr. Li mentioned that these varieties were Glyfosate free, and have resistance against bollworms particularly the pink bollworm. Moreover, the varieties also possess resistance against Cotton Leaf Curl Virus, he added.

Dr Zahid Mahmood in his remarks said that trial was aimed at studying the characteristics of these single and triple gene varieties in the Pakistani weather conditions hit by climate change phenomenon and their data would be compiled throughout the season by Pakistani scientists.

He informed that trial plants have a row-to-row distance of 75cm and plant-to-plant distance maintained at just 4 cm. It is a kind of crop with a five-month growth cycle, he remarked.

As part of continuing cooperation with Pakistani scientists, Mr. Li maintained that the company intends to begin trials of three fully virus-free varieties at CCRI Multan next year.

CCRI Multan scientists Dr. Muhammad Naveed Afzal, Dr Fayyaz Ahmad, and technology transfer head Sajid Mahmood were also present.

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