ISLAMABAD: The Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) has been continuing without its chairperson for the past four months, officials said Friday.
The seat has been vacant since December 16, 2022, after Capt (retd) Zahid Saeed resigned.
The FPSC is a country’s top body that is responsible for making recruitment of civil servants to run government administrative affairs.
The delay in the posting of a new chairman of FPSC is hampering the way for the promotion of officers, waiting for their promotion for months. Many important matters are also being delayed due to the absence of the administrative head.
FPSC Chairman also chairs the Central Selection Board meeting held for the promotion of federal officers from BS-19 to BS-20 and from BS-20 to BS-21. Absence of the head, the body is not properly functioning.
The Public Service Commission was set up for the first time in British India in 1926. After independence, the Commission was established in Pakistan in 1947 under the provision of the government of India Act, of 1935. At present, the commission is functioning under Article 242 of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It has been provided autonomy under the Rules of Business, 1973, and FPSC Regulations, 1978 in its working.
The Commission has also been given administrative as well as, to some extent, financial autonomy to perform its functions independently.
The Commission consists of a Chairman and Members. The Chairman is appointed by the President, at his discretion, under Article 242 (IA) of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973. The members are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
The Commission is assisted by the Secretary who provides a link between the Commission, its Secretariat, and the Government Agencies.