Mushaal urges G20 to boycott Srinagar moot to foil Modi’s nefarious designs

ISLAMABAD: Chairperson Peace and Culture Organization Mushaal Hussein Mullick on Sunday urged the G20 countries to boycott their meeting holding in the UN-designated disputed area of Srinagar of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) to send a clear and unequivocal message to blood-thirsty-Hindutva regime.

In a statement, Mushaal, who is the wife of incarcerated senior Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik, said that it was high time the world powers and UN bodies should show solidarity with innocent Kashmiri people and not only exposed the brutality of notorious Narednra Modi’s government but pressed him to let Kashmiris their birth right of right to self-determination.

Mushaal stated that G20 states must remember that they would be seen as siding with the oppressor if they accepted Modi’s invitation to participate in the event in IIOJK, which was turned into a killing field by the supremacist RSS-inspired regime.

The Hurriyate leader called upon the G20 nations that they should not forget that India was crossing all limits of barbarism and terrorism by committing worst crimes against humanity in the occupied territory.

The chairperson recalled that India’s ulterior motives behind holding the bloc’s meeting in Srinagar was to create false impression of normalcy in the region and trying to legitimize its unlawful and illegal occupation of the area.

She stated that G20 members should not allow Modi government to use the meeting as an opportunity to project its so-called normalcy narrative in IIOJK, which was converted into a garrison city.

Therefore, she suggested that the world powerful countries should boycott the meeting in Srinagar to foil the Indian government’s nefarious designs.

Mushaal went on to say that the occupation authorities were busy in renovating Srinagar ahead of the G20 meeting aimed at misleading international delegations and whitewashing the excesses committed against the people of Kashmir.

She said that Indian occupation continued to make the mass-arrest in the scenic valley ahead of G20 summit and Kashmiris were being locked up without cause to ensure the holding of the unruffled event.

Mushaal urged that these countries should take notice of India’s continued denial of the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination recognized by the UN Security Council and showed the same unity as they demonstrated in case of Ukraine.

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