Punjab governor eases Section 144 enforcement, dismisses political appointees

LAHORE: Punjab Governor Baligh ur-Rahman Sunday promulgated two ordinances: the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance, 2023 and the Punjab Agricultural Marketing Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 2023.

The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) was amended because Section 144 brought legal complications. The law now authorises the deputy commissioner or another officer empowered by the Punjab government to issue orders under Section 144 in urgent cases. This change simplifies the enforcement of Section 144 in emergency situations.

The Punjab Agricultural Marketing Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Ordinance addresses the politically appointed persons in the PAMRA and market committees. The provisions of the Punjab Agricultural Marketing Regulatory Authority Act, 2018 did not cater to the immediate termination of these individuals.

As a result, the persons appointed on political grounds in the boards of the Punjab Agricultural Marketing Regulatory Authority and market companies will now be dismissed immediately per the amendment ordinance.

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) directed the immediate termination of all heads of institutions appointed on political grounds, and the ordinance has been proposed to comply with these directives. The lists of these individuals will be sent to the commission.

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