PCJCCI celebrates anniversary of Pak- China diplomatic relations

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) and All Pakistan Chinese Enterprises Association (APCEA) organized an event for the celebration of Pakistan and China diplomatic relations on Friday.

The chief guest of the event was Ibrahim Hassan Murad, Minister of Local Government and Community Development. Various keynote speakers participated in the event,

Zhao Shiren, Consul General People’s Republic of China, Sunny Yang, Chairperson All Pakistan Chinese Enterprises Association, Dr. Saad Khan, Director General Law and Human Rights (KPK), Moazzam Ali Ghurki President PCJCCI,  Shakeel Ahmad Mian, Additional Chief Secretary Home Department (Punjab), Syed Hasan Javed, Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Pervez, Azam Chaudhry, President Lahore Press Club, Abdul Basit, Nadeem Qureshi,  Kashif Anwar, President LCCI,  Noor Ullah, Hamza Khalid and many more.

The event was also attended by top notch business leaders from both Pakistan and China. Moazzam Ali Ghurki, President PCJCCI said during his welcome address that Pakistan and China established these relations on 21 May 1951; this bond has been developed on the strength of its successive achievements, and has become formidable with each passing day and year.

Ibrahim Hassan Murad, Minister, Department of Local Government and Community Development, Punjab said while sharing his views on this auspicious occasion that I believe the bilateral relationship between the two neighbouring countries is characterized by feelings of mutual trust, respect and goodwill towards each other; PCJCCI and APCEA has set a remarkable example of this goodwill.

Zhao Shiren, Consul General People’s Republic of China stated that the combination of Chinese technological advancements and Pakistan’s natural and human resources can bring revolutionary changes in the region. It is quite clear that (CPEC) is the strongest pillar of economic, commercial and cultural connectivity between Pakistan and China.

Sunny Yang, Chairperson, All Pakistan Chinese Enterprises’ Association, shared that our friendship started almost 70 years ago and it has been further strengthened with every passing decade.

The rising of China as an International Economic Power is proving beneficial for Pakistan with every passing day. Along with the Governments of both the countries, the business leaderships of private sectors are also playing an important role in strengthening economic relations.

Hamza Khalid, Vice President PCJCCI and Salahuddin Hanif, Secretary General PCJCCI thanked the worthy speakers and said that while highlighting the importance of CPEC in the ongoing scenario, PCJCCI facilitated this development regime by overcoming the communication barriers by imparting Chinese language to every discipline of society in order to prepare professionals from all walks of life having proficiency in Chinese language. I regard Economic corridor; not only the road to economic prosperity of Pakistan, but the future of whole world.

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