May 28 momentous day in national history: Governor KPK

PESHAWAR: Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Haji Ghulam Ali on Sunday said that 28th May was a momentous day in our national history as on this day, Pakistan emerged as the first Islamic nuclear power in the world.

In a message on the eve of May 28 Yaum-e-Takbeer, Haji Ghulam Ali expressed his pride in
this achievement.

He said that it was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who initiated the nuclear program, and Muhammad Nawaz Sharif made Pakistan an invincible nuclear power through atomic explosions.

Haji Ghulam Ali while highlighting the significance of this day, said that on May 28, 1998, the successful nuclear tests conducted at the Chaghi showcased Pakistan as the first Islamic nuclear power to the world.

Haji Ghulam Ali emphasized the bravery, unmatched courage and national pride associated with Yaum-e-Takbeer.

Youm-e-Takbeer serves as a message to the enemies of the nation that those who display aggression against Pakistan will face disastrous consequences, he said.

Haji Ghulam Ali said, on 9th May, the enemies of peace and Pakistan set fire to the model of the Chaghi, a symbol of Pakistan’s nuclear power, said Governor Ghulam Ali. On Yaum-e-Takbeer, the entire nation should announce its separation from those who attack the country’s defense installations on the Black Day of 9th May, the Governor added.

The Governor said that on Youm-e-Takbeer, it was essential to demonstrate our determination to ensure national defense and security and to stay united for the collective welfare of the nation.

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