Saving sacred places

Sukkur is the third largest city of Sindh in terms of land and population. The city has a distinct identity. There are a number of historical places. It would not be wrong to say that Sukkur is a city of saints and shrines. The shrine of Hazrat Khairuddin, commonly known as Jeay Shah Jeelani, is one of the famous shrines.

This saint migrated from Baghdad to Sindh in the 15th century along with some companions for the preaching of Islam. They devoted their whole life to their mission. There is a resting place and a mosque in Sukkur where he used to stay for 40-day rituals. That mosque today is in a shambles. This is a sacred place with historical significance, but a vast piece of land has been desecrated in an illegal way by a nexus of corrupt officials and land mafia. No one is raising a voice against the illegal activity because the nexus can make life troublesome for the ‘troublemakers’.

There are also two ancient graves at the site, one of Jeay Shah’s son and the other of his wife. The names on the tombstones are being changed by some ‘unknown persons’ and pseudo-intellectuals who wish to misguide the general public and take advantage of the gullible.

Such desecration of sacred places and graves have hurt the feelings of the natives, especially when there is no one who may stop and raise voice against the criminal elements.

The Sukkur Municipal Corporation (SMC) and other relevant authorities should look into the matter and take action to restore and preserve such places.



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