Inept Shehbaz, Dar plunge Pakistan into great economic abyss: Farrukh

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) West Punjab President Farrukh Habib said that the incompetent and selfish ruling clique plunged the country neck-deep into economic crisis, as the country lost a whopping $7 billion owing to the fast dwindling exports and remittances during the first 11 months of FY23.

PTI West Punjab President said that the exports and remittances witnessed an alarming $ 7 billion drop in 11 months of this financial year due to the Shehbaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar’s personal priorities and ineptness, putting the country in great economic abyss.

Whereas, he said that these two self-centered persons struggled hard to secure $1 billion from IMF for which massive power, gas and other new levies are being imposed to fulfill the lender’s demands.

Farrukh stated that they ruined the fast booming economy of the country and rendered jobless hundreds and thousands of people in the textile sector alone.

PTI West Punjab President made it clear that Pakistan cannot afford any more experiments, as these people put the country into a quagmire of problems, compounding the miseries of the people manifolds.

He stressed the need that the people should be given the right to choose their leadership through immediate, fair and transparent elections in the country, who could have the public mandate and could take decision with public backing so as to get the country out of quagmire of problems.


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