Eid holidays

The announcement of Eidul Fitr and Eidul Azha holidays is a rather tricky matter every year due to the tendency of the governments to avoid the timely issuance of the official notification in this regard. It is hard to understand what might be the reason for delaying something so simple year after year.

It is beyond doubt that bringing the process under some rationally standardised standard operating procedure (SOP) will bring relief to one and all. For instance, intercity travellers will be able to plan their itinerary accordingly, and may be able to book their seats well in advance to avoid hassle and to get competitive rates.

Teaching institutions will be able to manage their off days better, giving children, and eventually their parents, better control over their studies since several schools conduct examinations a few days after Eid holidays.

Also, restaurants, food retailers, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, miscellaneous essential services, basically all components of the economic sector, will be able to better plan their inventory, manpower and distribution etc., to ensure uninterrupted supply of their goods and services during the holidays.

For the sake of consistency, the number of holidays should be fixed for all time to come to ensure that different governments do not allow extra holidays on any account. The government should seriously consider releasing official notifications not in the last few days before the two Eids, but by the first week of Ramazan and Zil-Hajj to facilitate businesses and masses alike. It is mere common sense.



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