Glowing tributes paid to Burhan Wani on eve of his 7th martyrdom anniversary

SRINAGAR: All Parties Hurriyat leader in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Bilal Ahmed Siddiqui and other Hurriyat leaders have paid glowing tributes to prominent youth leader Burhan Wani on the eve of his 7th martyrdom anniversary.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Burhan Wani was martyred along with his two associates by Indian troops in a fake encounter in Kokernag area of Islamabad on July 08 in 2016.

Bilal Ahmed Siddiqui in a statement issued from Central Jail, Srinagar, remembering the great son of soil Burhan Wani, said he will always remain an inspiration to suppressed people not only for Jammu and Kashmir but for the whole world. He reiterated the Kashmiris’ resolve to take the martyrs’ mission to its logical conclusion at all costs.

APHC leader Noor Muhammad Fayaz in a message issued from Uttar Pradesh Nainital jail said Burhan Muzaffar Wani breathed a new spirit and gave a new dimension to the freedom movement with his unparalleled performance, enthusiasm and tireless work. He said that Burhan Wani could not bear the Indian oppression and he became ready for freedom from Indian slavery.

APHC-AJK chapter Convener Mehmood Ahmad Saghar in a statement issued in Islamabad paid rich tributes to Burhan Wani and his other companions who were martyred with him by Indian troops. He added that the sacrifices of Burhan Wani and other Kashmiri martyrs would definitely bring positive results.


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