PTI expels 22 lawmakers including Buzdar, Bakhtiar

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) on Tuesday terminated membership of its 20 former lawmakers including former Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar and former federal minister Khusro Bakhtiar.

Secretary General PTI Omar Ayub Khan singed the termination notices issued to party defectors.

Those who were served termination notices include Usman Buzdar, Salman Khan Gadoka, Sabeen Gul, Raja Muhammad Saleem, Prince Bahawal Khan Abbasi, Muhammad Zaheeruddin Khan Alizai, Muhammad Farooq Azam Malik, Muhammad Akhtar Malik, Muhammad Afzal, Syed Nadeem Zaman Shah, Syed Muhammad Asghar Shah and Sardar Muhammad Khan Leghari.

The termination of membership resulted as the said leaders publicly announced their dissociation from the party through press conferences or video messages following incidents that occurred on May 9.

The termination notice states, “Therefore, you are served with this notice of termination of your basic membership from Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf. Your membership has been terminated effective immediately.”

It added, “You are directed to refrain from using the Party name, designation, and/or membership in any manner whatsoever, failing which the Party reserves the right to take action against you, which may also lead to legal action.”

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