Cabinet approves appointment of Dr Kabir Ahmed Sindhu as Chairman CCP

ISLAMABAD: The Federal Cabinet has approved the appointment of Dr. Kabir Ahmed Sindhu as the next Chairman of the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP).

According to sources, the federal cabinet has granted its approval for the appointment of new chairman of the CCP through the circulation of the summary.

The CCP was established under the Competition Ordinance, 2007; later on replaced with the Competition Act 2010. Members and Chairman CCP are appointed by the federal government in terms of Section 14 and 17 of the Competition Act, 2010 read with Rule 3 and 4 of the Competition Commission (Salary, Terms and Conditions of Chairman and Members) Rules, 2009 for a term of three years.

Federal Cabinet vide case No. 419/Rule-19/2023 dated 15-07-2023 approved the appointment of the DR. Kabir Ahmed Sidhu, Salman Amin, Abdul Rashid Sheikh, and Capt. (Retd) Saeed Ahmad Nawaz as Members, Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP). In pursuance thereof, a notification was issued dated 17th July, 2023 in compliance of Section 14 (2) and Section 17 of the Competition Act, 2010.

The federal government is mandated to appoint the Chairman from amongst the members of the Commission in terms of Section 14 and 17 of the Competition Act, 2010 read with Rule 3 and 4 of the Competition Commission 9salary, terms and conditions of the Chairman and Members) Rules, 2009. Since the term of Rahat Kunain Hassan, CCP expired on 13-07-2023, the position of Chairman, Competition Commission of Pakistan has fallen vacant. To fill that position, it was proposed that Dr Kabir Ahmed Sindhu be appointed as Chairman Competition of Pakistan.

It is pertinent to mention that Minister for Finance and Revenue has seen and authorized submission of a summary before the cabinet.          

Ahmad Ahmadani
Ahmad Ahmadani
The author is an investigative journalist. He can be reached at [email protected].

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