Who wronged Nawaz Sharif?

Justice must be done

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif claims that Nawaz Sharif was victimized and treated unfairly. He claims that in the 2018 elections ‘ Jhurlu ‘ was applied to deny him victory. The arrest of Rana Sanaullah, their stalwart, is also repeatedly mentioned. During his recent trip to Gwadar, he claimed that the port had not been dredged since 2015 when Nawaz visited the operations. No wrongdoing should go unpunished. It is the responsibility of the aggrieved party to identify the perpetrators of the injustice committed against the Sharifs and their partymen. In case their memory has faded, help is offered to refresh it.

It was the establishment led by Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa who decided to expose the criminal activities of the sitting PM. It was during his own regime that he was disqualified from holding public office while his party continued to rule. Shahid Khaqan Abbassi was inducted as PM while Shehbaz continued as Punjab Chief Minister, completing two un-interrupted terms in office (2008 to 2018). Despite being in power till 2018, Gwadar port was neglected for three years by the government of his own party. Rana was arrested by the Anti Narcotics Force, headed by a two-star general in uniform reporting directly to the COAS. To keep the record straight the Sharif’s play the age-old game of ‘Good and Bad Cop’, or in the words of Sheikh Rashid Shehbaz plays on both sides of the wicket. Abdul Wali Khan as leader of the opposition in the 1970s used the proverb; “running with the hare and hunting with the hounds”. That is what the Sharif brothers have been doing ever since they were discovered by General Zia, the deadliest usurper.

When General Zia perished after over 11 years of misrule, the DG ISI called three persons to appear for an interview to replace him. Ghulam Ishaq Khan, Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan and Abdul Wali Khan were shortlisted for this position by the establishment. Wali Khan not only refused to appear before the DG. He used very strong words; ” Lanat [curses] on the position for which I have to appear before a General “.

Thus GIK took over as President on the nod of a Grade 21, three-star general. The Sharifs on the other hand were introduced by a Grade 22 four-star general, It was because of this superiority that Nawaz clashed with Ishaq.

Everyone including Nawaz is entitled to justice and fair play. Nawaz must name his perpetrators and tormentors for this to happen. Hounds should not be spared this time. No one is in a better position to deal with them than the Sharifs of Gawalmandi. There is a saying; “Har Firoun Nira Musa” (Every Pharaoh has to deal with Moses)

As a Muslim League child I was told that Bacha Khan and his party were pro-India but my late father Nazir Ahmed Malik always praised their principled politics. When I got the opportuinity to interview Wali Khan for the university magazine, I was impressed by his intellect and straight talk. The Khans of Charshadda had played a key role in the independence movement for which they were jailed many times but they continued with their politics of resistance. Wali Khan lost one eye while serving a prison term. While Muslim League stood for a strong centre, they were in favour of provincial autonomy. Unlike the Sharif’s, they never shook hands with the establishment for which they were made to suffer; the hounds were kept at bay by them.

It is widely believed that those who live by the gun die by the bullet. The same is true for those who play with the hounds; they also get bitten by them. Wali Khan was very clear, he believed in standing up to them. In his own words: “We neither compromise nor run away”. Those who compromise and then run away have no credibility. Nawaz decided to go after the fourth usurper though he was allowed under agreement to go into self-exile for a period of ten years by the dictator. Why only Musharraf? Others should also have been included in the hit list.

Nawaz after his escape from jail due to the efforts of General Bajwa started to openly attack him from the safety of his London home. He blamed the Sipah-e-Salar for all the wrongs committed against him but when his brother came into power no action was taken against the intruder. The fifth manipulator escaped Article 6 courtesy of Shehba. Now that national elections are scheduled  this year the ‘Martyr Card’ card has been used to gain sympathy.

In the checkered political history of the republic only Nawaz has managed to gain an absolute two-third majority not once but twice. Out of the five governments that were dismissed under the Draconian Zia amendment Article 58(2b) only NS managed to gain back power through the Supreme Court. He was allowed to leave the country while serving a jail term, perhaps the first in the history of the Common Law. Somehow every time the family manages to get back their confiscated assets. Those who dare to stand witness against them die mysteriously. When they are accused of wrongdoing, the records catch fire. Almost all the property records of Lahore have been burnt.

When Justice Sajjad Ali Shah tried to stand-up against their wrong doings the Supreme Court came under attack in 1997; soon the Chief Justice was out of job. Comrade Tariq Aziz and Akhtar Rasool the hockey legend had to pay a heavy price for this misadventure. Finally the good offices of brother Judge Rafiq Tarar, grandfather of Atta Tarar the current MC (Master of Ceremonies) were used to pit the bench against the Chief.

0In July 1977, when Zia the founder of the Sharif Dynasty toppled the elected government of Bhutto. it was called; ‘Operation Fairplay’. Elections were to be held within the stipulated 90 days but it turned out to be ‘Foul Play’. His misrule continued for over 11 long years, ending only after his demise. The Sharifs are part of these ‘Foul Mechanisms’ against the Constitution and the rule of law it envisages.

For normalcy to return the wrongs for and against the Sharifs must be corrected. Trials under Article 6 should be initiated against the dictators who crossed the red line of the Constitution. Shahbaz has a few days before his term ended to initiate the legal process against the accused who tormented Nawaz. The DG ANF who signed the arrest warrants of Rana Sanaullah should also be issued a show-cause notice for this gross injustice.

Everyone including Nawaz is entitled to justice and fair play. Nawaz must name his perpetrators and tormentors for this to happen. Hounds should not be spared this time. No one is in a better position to deal with them than the Sharifs of Gawalmandi. There is a saying; “Har Firoun Nira Musa” (Every Pharaoh has to deal with Moses).

Dr Farid A Malik
Dr Farid A Malikhttps://www.pakistantoday.com.pk
The writer is ex-Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation. He can be contacted at: [email protected].

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