Persecution or Prostitution

By Ejaz Azad

Persecution is form of suffering which comes to align our deep connection with our innermost world. Any form of persecution is interconnected, interlinked and interwoven with our true-self. Our true-self doesn’t need to become self-sufficient, doctor, engineer, expert and well-known person. Persecution also helps to be rooted in being, regardless its nature, it can be blasphemy, religious hatred, forced conversion and other forms.


In many endeavors, victims get wicked satisfaction by being helped by non-technical and shady character people. They want more and more benefits and don’t want to lean on their ability, capacity and hard work. Most of the time, serving teams who are so-called activist and technical are themselves the victims of not understanding what they are doing. They are doing copy and paste just to please their immediate supervisors. They don’t have a courage and an environment to look within themselves to know who they are?


All the malicious approaches and self-centered captivities are the biggest causes not to understand the real meaning of suffering. The root cause is, we don’t understand the theology of suffering and purification of inner selves. The biggest hurdle can also be the non-technicalities of serving staff.


Readymade money vs. disposable Activities

In many organizations, they have strong front face to raise funds for the victim countries/causes. They don’t have equipped staff by experience, learning and ages. They are smart with the plans to raise funds but unable to go deep in every inch to recognize or build the true teams to implement the projects. Then, they have readymade money to supervise the cause but the workers in the field do disposable activities. The disposable activities are like closing the doors of the minds of the victims and allowing them to lead a life of having avarice in all the aspects of life. Disposable activities don’t cast the vision among the beneficiaries.



Western understanding and thinking

Western thinkers and donors are busy with raising funds and listening the causes without being present in the practical field. They are caught up in a room and decide on the bases of right and wrong. They are very keen to listen the fresh facts and figures but lack in experience make them decide on liking and disliking bases. They are caught up in the circus of right and wrong. These all things bring authority over maturity.


Profit and loss game

Many people who are failed to respond their talents as according to their learning and ages. They become the victim of inner failures. Then, they start looking for the shortcuts in order to satisfy their so-called dreams. They start working, thinking, visioning, learning and understanding on the bases of profit and loss. Later, at the end of the game they start the battle of disunity around themselves.


Underrated and un-understandable Approaches

All the technical and true-spirited people who are honest in their work are suffering in whole drama of supporting victims. Normally, these people are under the people who are not even technical to understand the cause and effect. Most of the time honest workers have the sense of understanding the true direction and alignment of the projects, but are misused by the competitors and face different types of blackmailing and accusations. These few true people are the real movers of the wheel of organization. Rest of the people who are new to each endeavor take every senior as competitor.


Vision or Decision

Majority of the people don’t have vision at all. Even they don’t have that appetite to build it. They don’t have vision, they have decision. The decision is to get settled, get better and to earn more without learning and investing on learning. That sort of decision is actually against the vision.


Wicked Satisfaction 

Mere talking the non-technical people in charge of the technical roles creates the wicked satisfaction of the victims and the spectators. At the very end, they switch off the jobs, causes and visions they carried. The most vulnerable in this game is technical people who are living their lives on the bases of vision to keep their activism super active. Anything decided on mood base creates wicked satisfaction.

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