Medics carry out successful operation of brain vein without anesthesia, opening of skull

PESHAWAR: Doctors conducted an operation of a 30-year-old patient having a hole in his brain vein since birth without opening skull and anesthesia here the other day in a local hospital.

According to statement issued here on Wednesday, noted Neurosurgeon Dr. Ali Haider and renowned Cardiologist Dr Ibrahim Shah said some people are born with abnormality having a hole in their veins of brain providing blood to back side of brain.

They added that there are normally four veins which perform this function but in some cases it happens that babies are born with hole in one of the four veins at their back responsible for supplying blood to the brain.

The medics- duo added that conducting such operation involves high risk even death of the patients during the surgery.

However, team of Neurosurgeon and Cardiologist carried out successful operation of a 30 years old patient on the pattern of Angiography of heart called aneurism coiling without anesthesia and opening skull putting a thin thread leading to the affected part of the patient’s head vein and healed up the hole.

The medics observed that aneurism coiling operations not only involved death risk but also cost Rs 5 lacks to Rs 12 lack rupees.

Healthcare providers use endovascular coiling, a form of endovascular embolization, to block blood flow into an aneurysm.

An aneurysm is a weakened area in the wall of an artery. If an aneurysm ruptures, it can cause life-threatening bleeding and brain damage. Preventing blood flow into an aneurysm helps to keep it from rupturing.

For endovascular coiling, healthcare providers use a catheter, a long, thin tube inserted into a groin artery.
The catheter is advanced into the affected brain artery where the coil is deployed. X-rays help guide the catheter into the artery.

The coils are made of soft platinum metal, and are shaped like a spring. These coils are very small and thin, ranging in size from about twice the width of a human hair to less than one hair’s width.

Healthcare providers also use coiling to treat a condition called arteriovenous malformation, or AVM. An AVM is an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein. It may happen in the brain, spinal cord, or elsewhere in the body.

The medics further added that three years ago such an operation was conducted in Peshawar but the recent one remained quite successful as the patient went through speedy recovery and has been discharged from the hospital.

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