Language development

As a teacher, it is frustrating to be constantly pressured to focus on teaching students how to speak English like native speakers. While I understand the concerns of schools and parents who view fluency in English as crucial for success in today’s competitive environment, it’s important to recognise that communication skills extend beyond mere speaking. Failing to address the foundational steps of language development and prioritising only the end goal of speaking skills will only impede a child’s progress and ultimately prove to be counterproductive.

Reading is a fundamental skill that is key to learning and developing language proficiency. Once a reading habit is established, children should be shown English content such as animated movies or cartoons as this can help develop comprehension skills. Only after mastering these skills can students be expected to speak and write confidently in English. In most schools, teachers are forced to prioritise speaking in English at the expense of these other fundamental skills, which is not an effective way to promote language proficiency. It’s important to acknowledge that writing is the final step in developing English communication skills.
With a solid foundation in reading, listening and speaking, students will eventually be able to write confidently on their own. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that every student learns at their own pace and that language development is a gradual process. Thus, language is a complex system, and mastering one aspect of it without considering the others will only hinder progress and impede the overall language proficiency of children. As a teacher, I’ve attempted to collaborate with both the school management and parents to address these concerns and find a better way forward. A holistic approach can promote language proficiency and prepare children to become well-rounded communicators in all aspects of their lives.



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