Oversized plates

The Excise and Taxation Department in Punjab has started issuing insanely oversized registration number plates, especially for motorcycles. The number plates look like more of a whiteboard in a classroom rather than a number plate on a motorcycle.

One of the major drawbacks of these oversized number plates is that many motorcyclists tend to avoid fixing them on their vehicles. Instead, they opt to purchase smaller, more aesthetically pleasing plates from unauthorised vendors.

This not only leads to non-compliance with the legal requirements, but also results in a loss of revenue for the government.

Promoting the use of legally compliant number plates will also save costs on materials for the government. Oversized plates require more materials, which can be avoided by adhering to standard specifications. The funds saved can be utilised for other essential projects and initiatives that will benefit the people of Punjab.

Moreover, implementing this change will encourage motorbike owners to willingly comply with the law and fix the legal plates on their vehicles.

The Excise and Taxation Department should review the current policy and make necessary adjustments to ensure the issuance of proper-sized and standardised number plates for motorbikes.



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