Mental illness in Pakistan

There are hundreds of children in Pakistan who are suffering from some form of mental illness or mental disorder. It is said that many people are in need of help due to the disorders they have. The sad part is that there are not enough psychologists in Pakistan to deal with the mentally ill, and they have to endure significant suffering. Parents are reluctant to take their children to the doctor because they fear ridicule for hav­ing “crazy” children.

These innocent children have nowhere to turn and go through a great deal of anguish. In the West, there are specialised doctors trained to deal with mental ill­nesses, and there is help available for them. In our country, Pakistan, we do not adequately care for the mentally ill. We must not let the pleas of our fellow countrymen go unheard; we must help them and learn from the West.

There is a lack of proper men­tal health services in our coun­try, and this must change. There are misconceptions about men­tal illness and what it entails. Par­ents often feel embarrassed when taking their children to the doc­tor, not realising that they need counselling and assistance. Fur­thermore, the psychologists in our country are not adequately trained to deal with the mentally ill, and they lack knowledge about the latest developments in med­icine and medications for men­tal illnesses. Some psychologists seem to be more interested in fi­nancial gain than in the well-be­ing of their patients and the pain they endure. Some individuals have mental disorders, while oth­ers suffer from depression.

As a nation, we should raise awareness about this issue and encourage parents, especially those who are economically dis­advantaged and unsure of what to do, to seek help for their chil­dren. This problem has also con­tributed to an increase in the suicide rate in our country. Pak­istan has one of the worst men­tal health indices in the world. We must assist our fellow coun­trymen who suffer from mental illness by establishing helplines for the mentally ill to access help and by supporting more NGOs and doctors.



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