Mosquito-born diseases surge

The health department in Sindh province has confirmed a sig­nificant increase in malaria cases, with more than double the num­ber compared to the past two years. Simultaneously, dengue cas­es have recently started to emerge.
Official statistics indicate 31,000 malaria cases in Hyderabad divi­sion in August alone, along with 828 dengue patients, although no fatalities have been reported. Both diseases are transmitted by differ­ent mosquito species, and several factors contribute to their preva­lence. Ignorance, unfavourable cli­matic conditions, poor sanitation, and inadequate preventive mea­sures in rural areas foster mos­quito breeding.
Malaria and dengue tests are expensive, making them inacces­sible to the economically disad­vantaged, earning malaria the label of a “disease of the poor.” Dengue fever cases are also on the rise in Punjab, Khyber Pakh­tunkhwa, and Islamabad, with ex­pectations of further increases in the next two months. The ongoing monsoon sea­son has left stagnant rainwater in many areas, necessitating imme­diate drainage. In rural regions, a significant portion of the popu­lation sleeps with open windows and doors or in open spaces dur­ing the summer, creating vulnera­bility to mosquito bites. To address these issues, health departments and local authorities must conduct mosquito-spraying efforts.
Additionally, citizens should pro­tect their homes with mosquito re­pellents and ensure that clean wa­ter containers are well-covered to prevent the breeding of the specif­ic dengue mosquito.
Amin Wastoo

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