Heart attack

Heart disease describes a range of conditions that affect the heart. Heart diseases include blood vesĀ­sel disease, such as coronary artery disease, irregular heartbeat, conĀ­genital heart defects, disease of the heart muscle, and heart valve disĀ­ease. Coronary artery disease is a common heart condition in which cholesterol deposits (plaques) in the heart arteries are usually the cause of coronary artery disease. The buildup of these plaques is called atherosclerosis, and it reducĀ­es blood flow to the heart. It can lead to a heart attack. Some people are born with heart valve disease (conĀ­genital heart valve disease). Heart valve disease may also be caused by conditions such as rheumatic feĀ­ver or infections. Heart attacks are more common in smokers than in nonsmokers and damage the arĀ­teries. Diets high in fat, salt, sugar, and cholesterol have been linked to heart disease. Having high cholesĀ­terol increases the risk of atheroĀ­sclerosis. Stress may also damage the arteries and worsen other risk factors for heart disease.

So, for the betterment of sociĀ­ety, the government should arĀ­range a campaign through televiĀ­sion and educate the people about the side effects of a heart attack. They should restrict sugar and fat-enriched products and impose reĀ­strictions on marketing, advertisĀ­ing, and sponsorship of sugar and fat-enriched products. The govĀ­ernment should also build parks and walking tracks for people beĀ­cause physical activity helps reĀ­duce the risk of a heart attack.

I hope my concern should be highlighted, and people should unĀ­derstand the risk of a heart attack.



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