Fair career flow

I am writing to express concern about the exclusion of AgriculĀ­tural Engineering graduates from job opportunities within the IrriĀ­gation Department. Agricultural Engineering is a specialised field, covering thirteen courses related to irrigation, drainage, hydrology, and water management, providĀ­ing expertise crucial for the deĀ­partmentā€™s responsibilities.

Unlike Civil Engineering gradĀ­uates, who cover fewer relevant courses, Agricultural Engineers are equally, if not more, equipped for roles in irrigation, drainage, and water resource management. The current practice of barring Agricultural Engineers from comĀ­peting with Civil Engineers is unĀ­just, given their qualifications and expertise.

The Irrigation Departmentā€™s reĀ­sponsibility involves managing water resources for agriculture, requiring professionals with skills in developing efficient irrigation systems. Agricultural Engineers possess these skills, making their exclusion from competitions withĀ­in the Irrigation Department unĀ­justifiable.

This practice not only hinders the potential contributions of AgĀ­ricultural Engineers but also deĀ­nies them the basic right to comĀ­pete, contributing to youth unemployment and underutilizaĀ­tion of skilled resources. I urge the Chief Minister of Sindh, the MinisĀ­ter of Irrigation, the Irrigation SecĀ­retary, the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), policymakers, and stakeholders to review the recruitĀ­ment policy.

Allowing Agricultural Engineers to participate in competitions will ensure fair opportunities, promotĀ­ing sustainable growth in irrigaĀ­tion and agriculture for the benefit of Pakistanā€™s economy.



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