Major Shabbir Sharif’s 52st martyrdom anniversary observed

ISLAMABAD: Today marks the 52nd Martyrdom day of Major Shabir Sharif Shaheed, the valiant soldier who fearlessly sacrificed his life for the nation during the 1971 Indo-Pak War. The nation solemnly commemorates the exemplary courage and unwavering commitment of Major Shabir Sharif, posthumously honored with the prestigious Nishan-i-Haider.

Major Shabir Sharif, born on April 28, 1943, in Kunjah, Gujarat, hailed from a military family, instilling in him the spirit of fearlessness and bravery. Commissioned in April 1964, he demonstrated exceptional skills, earning the coveted ‘Azazi Shamsher’ at his passing out parade.

Despite sustaining injuries during the 1965 war, Major Shabir Sharif’s dedication to duty led him to assume command at Chawinda, where he displayed strategic brilliance and repelled the enemy forces.

Promoted to the rank of Major in April 1970, Major Shabir Sharif’s commitment to defending the nation remained unyielding.

When the 1971 war erupted, Major Shabir Sharif volunteered for the most challenging fronts, leading his squad to capture the Indian Jhangar post. Facing minefields and enemy fire, his squad’s perseverance forced the retreat of the opposition.

Undeterred by the fortified Sabona canal near Fazalka, Major Shabir Sharif and his comrades exhibited extraordinary bravery, crossing the frozen waters under relentless enemy fire. Their successful command resulted in 43 Indian soldiers killed, 38 captured, and multiple tanks destroyed.

On December 6, 1971, during the Battle of Sabuna, Major Shabir Sharif, at the forefront of the fight, valiantly engaged the enemy. Despite continuous shelling and the advancement of Indian tanks, he stood resolute, destroying many enemy tanks. In the face of the enemy’s tank attack, Major Shabir Sharif made the ultimate sacrifice, achieving martyrdom.

In recognition of his unparalleled courage and valor, Major Shabir Sharif was posthumously awarded the Nishan Haider, the highest military decoration in Pakistan. His legacy lives on as a symbol of selfless sacrifice and unwavering dedication to the defense of the homeland.

As the nation pays homage to Major Shabir Sharif Shaheed on his 52nd Martyrdom Day, his words resonate: “A person’s life should be dignified, but death should also be dignified.” Pakistan remembers and honors a true hero who embodied dignity in life and death.


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