If needed, Pakistan ready to fight 300 battles for Kashmir: PM  

  • Terms Indian SC verdict political gimmick to consolidate illegal occupation
  • Calls Indian actions in IIOJK a breach of UN charter, UNSC resolutions and international laws

MUZAFFARABAD: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar on Thursday said that people of Pakistan are ready to fight 300 battles for Kashmir if a war imposed upon them while reaffirming Pakistan’s moral, political and diplomatic support to the people of India Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

“The recent verdict of the Indian supreme court calling it a politically motivated and a tool to consolidate Indian illegal occupation”, Caretaker PM Anwaarul Haq Kakar declared, while addressing the Azad Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly here on Thursday.

He reiterated the historic stance that Kashmir is Pakistan’s jugular vein and that the country will continue “diplomatic and moral” support to Kashmiris in the struggle for their right to self-determination.

PM Kakar called on India to desist from consolidating its occupation, revoke the illegal unilateral actions of August 5, 2019 and not change the demography of the disputed territory.

Chaired by Speaker of AJK Legislative Assembly Chaudhry Latif Akbar, the session was attended by AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwarul Haq and members of the Assembly.

The prime minister also stressed upon India to halt the human rights abuses in IIOJK, repeal emergency laws, withdraw heavy military presence and provide unhindered access to UN bodies and the international media.

The prime minister, who was the first-ever caretaker PM to address the AJK Legislative Assembly, paid tribute to the martyrs of the Kashmir movement and those living along the Line of Control and suffered losses due to the Indian ceasefire violations.

He said Pakistan would continue to stand alongside the people of Kashmir in their struggle and wished them to enjoy their due rights.

“Kashmir is Pakistan’s jugular vein. The word “Pakistan” is incomplete without Kashmir. The people of Pakistan and Kashmir are bound by unique affinity. We share joys and sorrow. Pakistan cannot remain indifferent to the situation in Kashmir… Kashmir runs in our blood. Jammu and Kashmir remains an important facet of Pakistan’s foreign policy,” he remarked.

He said across the political divide, the entire Pakistani leadership stood united to support Kashmiris for their right to self-determination.

Giving a historical account, the prime minister said the Kashmiris had suffered enormously from conflicts in history. Even today, the situation has not improved as the majority was still under the subjugation of an oppressor with a different name.

Prime Minister Kakar told the House that Kashmir was the oldest unsettled agenda of the United Nations as the UNSC resolutions remained unimplemented and the Indian government was bent upon consolidating its occupation of disputed territory through a series of legislative and administrative measures.

Referring to the Indian decision to take the Kashmir issue to the United Nations and repeated Indian leaders recognizing it as a dispute, he said the current Indian government must honor its long-standing commitment to UN resolutions.

He said the Indian SC verdict was politically motivated instead of grounded in law to validate the illegal unilateral measures of August 5, 2019.

The prime minister said considering its massive human rights abuses, the Indian title of “world’s largest democracy’ should be changed to “world’s largest hypocrisy” where hollow slogans of democracy and diversity were raised to cover up the marginalization of minorities, state-sponsored terrorism and illegal occupation.

Calling the Indian actions in IIOJK a breach of the UN charter, the UNSC resolutions and international laws, he said the main objective of the Indian measures was to convert Kashmiris into a disempowered community in their land.

However, he said the domestic legislation and judicial verdicts could not absolve India of its obligations.

He said, on the one hand, India wished to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council, while on the other its leadership took pride in trampling upon international laws. Such contradictions reinforced by the Hindutva ideology should be an eye-opener for the international community, he added.

He said thousands of Kashmiris have been killed, thousands faced forced disappearances and pellet gun injuries and thousands of the women suffered molestation and that the human rights abused were also documented in two of the UN reports.

Questioning the conscience of the international community, he said despite killings, illegal detention of Kashmiri leaders and destruction of structures, India could not extinguish the flame of freedom from the hearts of Kashmiris.

He said India was afraid of Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Geelani even after his death and sought the death penalty for another leader Yaseen Malik which manifested its failure to suppress the spirit of freedom.

He said Pakistan and the Kashmiris rejected the Indian measures of gerrymandering of constituencies and measures to change the demography.

The prime minister said the Kashmiris had long been deprived of normalcy in their land also hampering the development owing to the fearful environment.

He said Pakistan wanted good neighborly ties with India but its unilateral actions of August 5, 2019 had vitiated the environment leaving the onus on India to undo the situation. Pakistan wants peace with justice, not peace with injustice, he added.

Coming to the belligerent statements by the Indian leaders regarding AJK, the prime minister reiterated that Pakistan Pakistan had exercised maximum restraint. Pakistan will never surrender to any form of threat or intimidation as the country stood firm to safeguard its sovereignty and interests.

He said Pakistan had no issue with the Hindu belief but Hindutva as a considerable size of minorities in Pakistan enjoyed due rights and exercised freedom.

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