AI – future of the world

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is heralded as the future of the world, representing the most cru­cial technology in today’s land­scape. It is rapidly becoming the most transformative force, shap­ing our lives in ways we might not fully comprehend yet.

AI brings numerous advantag­es, including the reduction of hu­man error, efficient handling of big data, automation of repetitive tasks, improved workflow, faster decision-making, and more. Be­yond these, it holds great poten­tial for enhancing sectors such as agriculture and healthcare.

Considering AI’s pivotal role in the future, it is imperative for Pakistan to invest in this realm. Automation of specialised opera­tions can boost agricultural pro­duction, significantly benefiting Pakistan’s economy. Additionally, AI is vital for global competitive­ness, as other nations are already harnessing its power.



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