FIA launches probe into billions of rupees irregularities in PSB, POA

ISLAMABAD: The Federal Investigation Agency has launched investigation into huge financial irregularities in Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) and Pakistan Olympic Association (POA).

According to details, the FIA Anti-Corruption Circle Islamabad has initiated inquiry 329/2023 into huge financial irregularities in the PSB and POA and has issued notice to the president Pakistan Olympic Association (POA) and DG Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) for provision of record under section 94 CRPC.

Through the notice issued to the President Pakistan Olympic Association and DG Pakistan Sports Board, the FIA anti-corruption circle Islamabad has informed that it is inquiring regarding huge irregularities in total expenditures of both the sports governing bodies. The notice reads that to proceed further, both the bodies should appoint a focal person, having knowledge of the facts and figure regarding instant matter along with all relevant record.

In this regard FIA seeks urgently record of budget allocation of financial year 2022-23 and details of expenditures for financial year 2021-22 of Pakistan Sports Board and Olympic Association. The FIA informed the PSB and POA through the notice that the matter may be treated as most urgent.

In this regard, when Pakistan Today contacted Director General Pakistan Sports Board Mr Shoaib Khosa confirmed that FIA has initiated an inquiry into irregularities in budgetary allocation of two financial years. Mr Kosa informed that the sports board faced a 40% cut in development and 25% cut in non-development expenditures in past two years from government of Pakistan.

He expressed the willingness to handover all the record to FIA.

Meanwhile, this reporter attempted to contact former president Pakistan Olympic Association Gen (r) Syed Arif Hasan a couple of times, but he did not respond. It is important to mention here that a few days back, president Pakistan Olympics Association Gen (r) Syed Arif Hasan resigned from his post.

………….Story by Shahzad Malik

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