China’s economic strategy for growth in 2024

China’s benefits must spread globally

Amidst the tempests of global trade, with forecasts hinting at a subdued 2024, China stands resilient, charting a course that will further cement its pivotal role in the world economy. In this era marred by economic unpredictability, China emerges with a strategy distinct from the West’s wavering economic commitments. While the global tide of trade ebbs, China’s resolve to enhance its trade partnerships and attract foreign investors remains evident.

Unlike the protectionist tendencies gaining traction elsewhere, Beijing’s mantra revolves around openness and collaboration. The appeal of its mature industrial ecosystem and vast market, filled with an expanding middle class eager for goods and services, is undeniable. These factors, coupled with its vast economic expanse, render China indispensable in the global economic matrix. Global investors acknowledge that overlooking such a profitable market would be a mistake. On the other hand, Beijing also recognizes that maintaining this appeal requires more than mere numerical figures. It requires a commitment to openness, transparency and mutual growth.

Hence, with the advent of 2024, China has unveiled plans for a “high-level opening-up,” a testament to its determination to be not just a “market” but a “partner” in global progress. As uncertainties loom large elsewhere, China’s message is clear: in an interconnected world, collaboration trumps isolation, and Beijing is ready to lead the charge.

Looking at the state of global trade in 2024, the recent forecast from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) presents a picture of worldwide uncertainty. The world is grappling with a pessimistic outlook, marred by a forecasted 5 percent dip in 2023 global trade. Geopolitical tensions, waning demand, increased trade barriers, volatile commodities and complicated supply chains have created a challenging milieu.

However, China, a key player, sees an opportunity to showcase resilience. In this complex tapestry, Beijing envisions tackling uncertainties by adhering to multilateralism and strategic recalibration. The broader strategy of China is three-pronged: finding new drivers for foreign trade, effective utilization of foreign investment and optimization of the business environment

China’s December Central Economic Work Conference spotlighted the imperative of diversifying trade. The focus? Amplifying intermediate goods, services, digital commerce and cross-border e-commerce exports. Reflecting this strategy, as per the customs data, China’s trade metrics for 2023 underscore resilience: with total trade hovering around 37.96 trillion yuan, exports nudged up 0.3 percent year-on-year to 21.6 trillion yuan. While global headwinds persist, Beijing’s targeted approach reflects its adaptability and determination to recalibrate amidst challenges, ensuring China remains a formidable force in the international economic arena.

The recent Central Economic Work Conference, defining the economic trajectory for 2024, emphasized the paramount importance of advancing high-standard opening-up. The agenda encompasses fostering new dimensions in foreign trade, fortifying its overall trajectory along with foreign capital and amplifying ventures in intermediate goods trade, services, digital realms, and cross-border e-commerce exports. 

In the current scenario, China’s external trade exhibits a commendable equilibrium, showcasing stability in scale and tangible expansion in exports. Notably, the surge in three pivotal tech-intensive green commodities— solar batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and electric vehicles— illustrates sustained growth.

This upward trajectory extends to growing sectors like services trade, digital commerce, cross-border e-commerce and intermediate goods trade. The rapid ascent of these emerging trends underscores China’s enduring resilience and competitiveness in the realm of international trade. Amidst global flux, China’s foreign trade emerges as an example of stability.

China places immense importance on foreign direct investment (FDI), recognizing its pivotal role in propelling the nation’s economic and societal progress. Through the recent central economic work conference, China has conveyed a favorable message of broadening its doors for global investment. Consequently, there will be enhanced market accessibility for foreign investments in service sectors like telecommunications and healthcare. This development follows China’s announcement in October 2023, wherein it pledged to eliminate all constraints on foreign investment in the manufacturing domain, signalling a concerted effort to foster a more inclusive and dynamic investment environment.

Ensuring stability for foreign investors, China’s resolute commitment to openness and foreign investment proves pivotal amid the existing uncertainties across the globe. Government figures depict a 10 percent decrease in actual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into China during the first 11 months of 2023. Despite this decline, China’s FDI exceeded 1 trillion yuan, maintaining a robust level. Such fluctuations in FDI are natural, influenced by multifaceted factors ranging from economic dynamics to geopolitical shifts. The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with the broader global downturn— where global FDI dwindled by about 12 percent to $1.3 trillion in 2022— as highlighted by UNCTAD figures, accentuate the resilience and relative attractiveness of China’s investment landscape despite prevailing challenges.

Ensuring stability, fairness, transparency and predictability is integral to evaluating any country’s business milieu, and China prioritizes these aspects for investors. Welcoming multinational corporations and overseas small to medium-sized enterprises, China is working hard to foster collaboration as a pivotal avenue for foreign investment into its market. The Chinese government’s commitment underscores its perseverance in providing a conducive environment for international businesses.

Enhancing the business milieu encompasses investment liberalization, facilitation, promotion, and protection, as outlined in China’s Foreign Investment Law. Clear specifications and requirements delineate the commitment to these aspects. Streamlining approval procedures reflects a concerted effort to facilitate investment, coupled with intensified initiatives from local governments for investment promotion.

The post-pandemic era is witnessing a notable simplification in cross-border travel, contributing to a more accessible and conducive environment for international business engagement in China. In the unfolding narrative of 2024 China’s strategic intent to substantial opening-up is anticipated to soar, underscoring not only market enlargement but also the establishment of a top-tier business environment.

The recent Central Economic Work Conference, defining the economic trajectory for 2024, emphasized the paramount importance of advancing high-standard opening-up. The agenda encompasses fostering new dimensions in foreign trade, fortifying its overall trajectory along with foreign capital and amplifying ventures in intermediate goods trade, services, digital realms, and cross-border e-commerce exports. It appears that China, poised as a catalyst for global economic growth, is seriously inviting the world to partake in the opportunities emerging from its modernization drive.

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Imran Khalid
Imran Khalid
The writer is a freelance columnist

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