ECP delists 13 political parties

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) Friday announced its reserved verdict on the intra-party elections of 15 political parties, resulting in the delisting of 13 of them.

Only two political parties have been granted permission to participate in the upcoming elections.

The ECP delisted political parties comprise All Pakistan Minority Alliance, All Pakistan Tehreek and Awami Party Pakistan, Bahawalpur National Awami Party, Sab ka Pakistan, National Peace Council, Pakistan National Muslim League, Pakistan Aman Party, and Pakistan Barabri Party.

Additionally, Christian Awami Party, Pakistan Qaumi Yakhjati party, and Sunni Tehreek have also been included in the list of parties no longer eligible for participation.

Notably, election symbols have been allotted to Nizam Mustafa and Pakistan Muslim League Jinnah. Furthermore, Jammiat Ulema-e-Pakistan Noorani has received approval to contest in the upcoming elections.

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