Posters urge IIOJK people to pay tributes to martyrs, observe Jan 26 as Black Day

SRINAGAR: Posters have appeared in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir urging the people to pay tributes to martyrs and observe India’s Republic Day on 26 January as Black Day.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the posters, pasted on pillars, poles and walls in different areas of the territory, said the purpose of the paying tributes to the Kashmiri martyrs and observing 26 January as Black Day is to register their protest against the forcible occupation of their motherland by India.

Terming the so-called Indian Republic Day celebrations in IIOJK a cruel joke, the posters, displayed by All Parties Hurriyat Conference and other Hurriyet organizations in different parts of the territory, read that India should read the clear message from the people of Kashmir that they have always rejected its illegal occupation.

The posters, also circulating on social media, have further asked the people to hold special prayers for the Kashmiri martyrs on the anniversaries of these massacres.

Meanwhile, the Jammu Kashmir National Front spokesperson Haseeb Wani in a statement in Srinagar appealed to the Kashmiri people to observe India’s Republic Day as Black Day, saying that the fascist country, which has denied the basic rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, has no justification to celebrate its Republic Day in the occupied territory.

Condemning India’s illegal and forced occupation of Jammu and Kashmir, he said, “For the past several decades, the Indian forces have been badly involved in violating the basic political and democratic rights of the Kashmiri people.” ‘

He said that despite the promises of holding a free, fair and impartial plebiscite to allow the people of Kashmir decide their political destiny, the Indian rulers have resorted to violent means to suppress the aspirations of the Kashmiri people by force.

He also urged the international community to take serious notice of India’s illegal occupation of Kashmir, which is the main cause of unrest in the region.


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