On a white charger, scimitar in hand

It might not be easy to see the revelations about the corruption in Ukraine’s contracts for artillery shells as relevant to Pakistan. We know with certainty that there will be no such thing here because there is a foolproof accountability mechanism which prevents any such misdeeds from being committed. Besides, our soldiers are above such mundane temptations, being too imbued with the spirit of sacrifice and love for the motherland.

What do you expect from Ukraine, which had put a joker in charge? Whatever else, Imran Khan is accused of, being funny isn’t one of them. Maybe towards the end of a distinguished cricketing career opening batsmen laughed at him, but for decades, laughing was not something they did much. Brave out his overs was more like it. Survival was the name of the game, not laughing.

However, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy proved that he is a fellow of infinite jest by going ahead with the corruption probe without asking Imran’s permission,  It was probably just a ramp, a put-up job, meant to brush over the traces, without punishing.

Now if Imran was in that situation, of being a war leader, first we should remember that he would be on a white charger, leading the troops against the enemy, wielding a scimitar to great effect against their tanks and cannon. Occasionally, he would bring out his secret weapon, the inswinging yorker, but presumably only when they attempted an armoured breakout.

I don’t know if anyone remembers now, but one of the problems the country faced in 1965 was a shortage of shells for the cannon bought from the USA. They wouldn’t let us buy the shells, so once we used up what we had, the guns would fall silent.

So by 1971, we had learnt to make those shells. Didn’t win us that particular War though. Anyhow, back to Imran on a white charger, pointing at the enemy with his scimitar. In that situation, to find that someone in the Defence Ministry was trying to make $40 million off mortar rounds, in his present mood, he would be only too delighted to turn the head of his charger towards the Defence Ministry.

Perhaps Imran needs to go back to cricket for inspiration. Not to the national cricket team, which is presently out of action in any format, but to the West Indies, and to England. Those two have pulled off two of the most remarkable wins in Test history, both playing matches which would be remembered on their own for decades, but were an absolute miracle to have ending on the same day. England beat India by 28 runs in the First Test at Hyderabad. That margin wasn’t really the miracle, as the fact that India had led by 190 runs in the first innings.  Back in 1967, in what has also the First Test, only in England, it was England which took the massive lead, 286 runs. India fought back, making 550 in the follow-on, but it was still England that won, but only by six wickets.

Well, Imran must be hoping that some of the magic will rub off on his party. Problem is, it’s not going to be as easy as a cricket match. It won’t be simply a matter of winning as independents. Imran will have to get his convictions overturned, get elected, and then get the PM his party picked, replaced. As a matter of fact, that’s one possibility.Has anyone notice, but ever since Parliaments have begun running for their full tenure, PMs get replaced around the three-year mark. Is it purely a coincidence that Imran will free himself of his legal troubles around the time the Parliament would have run about three years.

And Imran shouldn’t forget that maybe the West Indies and England didn’t win so much as Australia and England lost. Overconfidence? It could have happened. Just as they assumed the couldn’t lose, maybe the PTI assumption that can win without support, symbol or supplies might be exaggerated. Well, we should know by the time it’s time for the next edition of these notes.

Well, being under pressure helped the PTI put on the first virtual rally, and had a virtual Imran have the first AI-generated speech. Watch the Indian election for these ideas to be taken to the next level.

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