Climate quake

Climate change is, unwittingly, a hot topic. The Earth’s weath­er pattern relies on its rotation, due to its two poles and its at­mosphere’s exposure to sunlight. Similar to the Earth, the Sun has two magnetic poles. These poles, undergoing a terrifying transfor­mation, reverse every 11 years. The last reversal occurred in 2013.

NASA’s scientists predicted that the Sun’s poles will reverse in April, a regular cycle. Revers­ing of poles will result in a trans­formation in the intensity of sunlight. Earth’s magnetic field safeguards its atmosphere from solar storms, but intense magnet­ic activity, which has increased since the past, can cause climat­ic turmoil and unprecedented in­crements in temperature.

The Sun’s solar storms could pose a potential threat to the Earth’s internal environment. They can disrupt communication satellites, GPS in space, and dis­able electric grids on the ground; however, this year the possibility of such incidents is rare. In 1859, Earth witnessed the Carrington Event, the worst solar storm in history. It disrupted telegraph lines, hindered messages, sparked fires, and auroras were observed in Mexico City.

On the positive side, solar storms can result in vivid auro­ras. This year, the northern lights will be stronger in 2024 than they have been at least in a decade. Scientists are working to invent better technologies, transform­ing Earth into a sanctuary against exogenous factors permanently. The advent of solar storms and the flipping of poles may, too, re­verse its impacts, which is none­theless unpredictable. If some miscalculation happens, it can cost economies trillions.



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