Karachi’s sewage struggle

Amidst all the unpredictable weather in the city, I wish to bring the attention of concerned authorities towards the inadequate sewage system in Karachi, which poses significant challenges for the city’s residents and its overall in­frastructure. Downpours caused horrendous conditions throughout the city, especially in places like Baldi Town, Orangi Town, North Karachi, Surjani Town, Gulshan-e-Maymar, Bahria Town, Saddar, North Nazimabad, Tower, Liaqua­tabad, and Nazimabad.

With rapid urbanisation and population growth, the existing sewage infrastructure has strug­gled to keep pace, leading to a range of issues affecting public health, the environment, and over­all quality of life.

One of the primary concerns is the inadequate capacity of the sew­age system to handle the increas­ing volume of waste generated by the growing population. Conse­quently, many areas in Karachi ex­perience frequent sewage backups and overflows, leading to the con­tamination of streets, public spac­es, and even residential areas. The outdated and poorly main­tained sewage network exacer­bates the problem. Ageing pipes and insufficient maintenance con­tribute to leaks, blockages, and malfunctions, further compromis­ing the efficiency of the system. This not only hampers the prop­er disposal of wastewater but also increases the risk of waterborne diseases, posing a direct threat to public health. The consequences of the poor sewage system are felt keenly dur­ing the monsoon season when heavy rains can overwhelm the al­ready struggling infrastructure. Flooded streets and waterlogged areas become breeding grounds for diseases, creating a heightened risk of epidemics. Addressing the issues with Ka­rachi’s sewage system requires a comprehensive approach. Invest­ments in modernising and ex­panding the sewage infrastruc­ture are essential to accommodate the city’s growing population. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are equally critical to en­sure the longevity and efficiency of the system.

Furthermore, public awareness campaigns can play a vital role in encouraging responsible waste disposal practices among resi­dents and industries. Stricter regu­lations and enforcement measures for industrial waste disposal are necessary to prevent further pollu­tion of water bodies and safeguard public health.



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