Ken Doll claps back at Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar, Adnan Siddiqui’s harsh criticism

Adnan Siddiqui, a talented Pakistani television actor, has been making headlines for the past two weeks. His controversial remarks during a live Ramadan transmission, where he compared women to houseflies, sparked outrage initially but seemed to calm down during the Eid holidays.

However, the controversy has reignited as it’s being discussed by several popular Pakistani celebrities like Mishi Khan, along with condemnation from Pakistani social media influencer Ken Doll.

Recently, Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar referred to Ken Doll as ‘shameless’ on a show after Adnan Siddiqui discussed Ken’s statement with Qamar. Qamar remarked, “such people are shameless. Leave them to me, I will deal with them.”

Ken Doll was quick to share his response to the criticism from Adnan Siddiqui and Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar.

Talking about it, he said, “Well, I am living a lavish life abroad as an influencer, I am usually asked one question about Pakistan that why people are judged there on the basis of characters? Why do people do character assassination after getting famous? I often say to them, “there is no solution to it”, here women are called houseflies and if you raise voice against such people, you are called “shameless”. Actors who got work Internationally are also called out in this country. This is how we tarnish our image, at least, I am an influencer who has his own recognition. I am known by my own personality, I do party, I meet with people. I am picturing a softer image of Pakistan internationally.

He concluded by saying that he is positive about the world because he himself is a positive person.


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