Failed Indian attempts for peaceful elections in Indian-Occupied Kashmir

Kashmiris don’t want to part of India

India has failed to conduct fair and open elections in its Occupied Kashmir. The stark realities and alleged atrocities committed by India and its army in Indian Occupied Kashmir are visible to the international community.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP, India appears to be rigorously adhering to Hindutva ideology, characterized by its politics steeped in hypocrisy and falsehoods. In India’s political landscape, the emergence of Hindutva ideology has significantly influenced electoral dynamics, reshaping the contours of political discourse and identity.

Hindutva, rooted in the concept of Hindu nationalism, advocates the supremacy of Hindu culture and values, advocating the establishment of a Hindu Rashtra, or Hindu state. Over time, the proliferation of Hindutva ideology has been accompanied by a variety of election strategies employed by different political entities, sparking vehement opposition across the nation.

Indian-Occupied Kashmir, plagued by decades of conflict and political instability, faces allegations of human rights abuses that loom large over its populace. The region’s disputed status, coupled with a heavy Indian military presence and strict security measures, has led to reports of widespread violence, extrajudicial killings, and systemic oppression, drawing condemnation on the international stage. Notably, there are accusations of excessive force by Indian security forces against civilians, particularly during protests, resulting in numerous casualties. Reports of severe injuries from pellet guns and allegations of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances further darken the region’s landscape.

The use of draconian laws like the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and the Public Safety Act (PSA) compounds the challenges faced by civilians in Indian occupied Kashmir, granting broad powers to security forces with minimal accountability. Moreover, reports of arbitrary detentions, torture, and ill-treatment of detainees, including children, underscore the need for independent investigations and accountability mechanisms. These alleged atrocities not only affect individual victims but also corrode the socio-economic fabric of the entire region.

The prolonged conflict and security challenges have severely disrupted the daily lives of millions, hindering access to essential services such as education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Additionally, the enduring psychological and collective trauma resulting from years of violence and instability has deeply impacted the Kashmiri populace, fostering ongoing cycles of fear, resentment, and distrust.

The people of Indian-Occupied Kashmir express a strong desire to disassociate from India, driven by a lengthy history of alleged atrocities committed by the Indian government and its armed forces. The situation in Indian-Occupied Kashmir remains far from normal, with inhabitants facing significant constraints on their freedom to live and work. Despite this reality, India maintains a facade of normalcy, asserting plans for forthcoming elections as evidence of stability while obscuring the true nature of conditions in the region.

In light of recent failed attempts to misrepresent reality, both the Indian Civilian Administration and Indian Army, operating under stringent security measures, orchestrated a Voting Awareness Campaign (VAC) in the villages of Tithwaal and Seemari near the Nauseri sector, culminating in a rally in Seemari. Dignitaries such as Commander 104 Brigade Brigadier M. K Dass, General Observer Election Bupinder Singh, Deputy Commissioner Kupwara Ayushi Sudan, SSP Kupwara Shobit Saxena, ADC Kupwara Mohammad Rouf Rehman, among others, were present at the event.

Elections in Tehsil Karna are scheduled for May 20. Alongside the VAC, various departmental stalls, including Agriculture, Horticulture, Health, and Animal Husbandry, were set up to showcase their initiatives, and officials collected feedback on their progress. Under the direction of the Deputy Commissioner Kupwara, school children were compelled to participate in an Indian-flagged rally at the First Polling Station in Seemari LoC.

The people of Indian–Occupied Kashmir appear disinterested in these endeavours, expressing a desire for genuine resolution rather than participating in what they view as theatrical elections. The ultimate solution to the Kashmir issue lies in granting the right to self-determination to the people of Indian occupied Kashmir, rather than perpetuating ineffective electoral processes.

Kabul Bukhari, a well-known singer, performed a diverse range of songs, including Pakistani ones in Punjabi, Hindi, Pahari, and Kashmiri. This event was evidently orchestrated to distort reality and suppress the truth, with villagers from Tehsil Karnah coerced into attending. The march from Teetwaal to Seemari was forcefully organized under both civilian and military supervision, predominantly involving children who have no stake in the elections. The musical show was intended to attract attendees, even incorporating Pakistani songs, indicating both frustration and an attempt to appeal to locals’ sentiments toward Pakistan. Speeches by Civil Administration Officials urging locals to participate in the elections further underscored their apprehension and frustration regarding potential low voter turnout.

It’s evident that organizing such an event under the direct auspices of the Indian Army aimed to send a coercive message to compel participation in the electoral process. Reports suggest that attendees were brought in from outside the state to create the appearance of a large gathering and to ensure the event’s perceived success. Videos from the event depict a situation akin to a curfew, with most shops closed and restricted movement for the residents.

However, the reality in the area contradicts this portrayal, as local sentiment toward India and its policies is unfavorable due to perceived Indian atrocities. The local populace is disinterested in Indian-managed elections. This raises the question: if India truly believes that the people of Indian-Occupied Kashmir support them, why resort to such events under the heavy security presence of its Army rather than conducting them openly and publicly?

The falsehoods perpetuated by India, Modi, and its leadership are laid bare for the world to see. In the intricate web of human interactions, lies often act as a veil concealing reality, obscuring the truth behind a facade of deceit. Whether crafted to safeguard oneself, manipulate others, or mask inconvenient truths, lies have remained a pervasive aspect of human behaviour. Yet, beneath the surface of deception lies a fundamental paradox: the more one endeavours to hide the truth, the more glaringly it clamours to be unveiled. Lies manifest in myriad forms, from whispered falsehoods within personal relationships to the grand deceit of politics and propaganda.

In its essence, lying involves a calculated distortion or suppression of reality, typically driven by self-interest, fear, or the quest for control. Nonetheless, the repercussions of falsehoods extend beyond the immediate moment of deceit, shaping perceptions, corroding trust, and sowing seeds of discord and disenchantment. One of the most harmful forms of deceit is the manipulation of information through the dissemination of misinformation and disinformation.

In an era marked by rapid technological progress and widespread connectivity, the spread of false narratives and fake news poses a significant threat to public discourse and democratic governance. Intentional distortion of facts, the promotion of partisan agendas, and the weaponization of information have precipitated a crisis of trust and a decline in confidence in traditional sources of authority and expertise.

Furthermore, lies often serve as a tool for exerting power and control, utilized by those in positions of authority to uphold dominance and stifle dissent. Particularly, authoritarian regimes rely heavily on a fabric of falsehoods and propaganda to sway public opinion, quash opposition, and perpetuate their hold on power. By distorting reality and crafting alternative narratives, such regimes endeavour to construct a false veneer of legitimacy and invulnerability, shielding themselves from accountability and oversight.

Nonetheless, the truth possesses an innate resilience, capable of piercing even the most fortified layers of falsehoods and deception. Throughout history, there have been numerous instances of courageous individuals and whistleblowers who, at considerable personal risk, have exposed corruption, injustice, and atrocities concealed beneath a facade of lies.

From journalists uncovering government wrongdoing to activists spotlighting human rights violations, the pursuit of truth remains a powerful catalyst for change and accountability. Despite the complexities of human nature, the innate desire for authenticity and integrity persists, driving moments of reckoning and collective awakening when lies are exposed and truths revealed. This challenges established narratives and fuels movements for justice and reform.

In India and Indian occupied Kashmir, there’s a clear understanding of the duplicity within the Indian Government resonating internationally. Trust and reliability are pivotal in international relations, shaping alliances, partnerships, and geopolitical dynamics. Recent shifts in India’s policies have cast doubt on its reliability as a strategic partner and global actor, particularly due to its diminishing commitment to democratic values and human rights.

The government’s crackdown on dissent, press freedom, and civil liberties has drawn international concern, as seen in the handling of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, controversial citizenship laws, and the response to farmer protests. These actions have tarnished the remaining India’s democratic image and strained relations with allies.

India’s assertive foreign policy and unilateral actions, exemplified by the border standoff with China in the Galwan Valley, highlight its willingness to challenge norms but also raise risks of instability. Withdrawal from trade agreements like the RCEP and strained relations with neighbouring countries signal potential setbacks in regional integration and cooperation.

Economically, protectionist trade policies and regulatory unpredictability have deterred foreign investment, despite initiatives like “Make in India.” This, coupled with strained relations with key partners like the USA, adds to India’s challenges on the global stage. While India and the USA have fostered a strategic partnership rooted in shared interests and values, tensions have emerged due to disparities in trade, intellectual property rights, and India’s deepening relations with Russia. This has strained bilateral relations.

Furthermore, India’s engagement with major powers like Russia and China has sparked concerns among its traditional Western allies, prompting questions about India’s strategic alignment and reliability in the Indo-Pacific region. There is a growing perception that India lacks reliability and trustworthiness on the global stage, with many viewing it as a failed state attempting to project a false image of success and civility through manipulated portrayals.

The situation in India and the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir region is under global scrutiny. Events like the VAC (Voters’ Awareness Campaign) cannot conceal the reality, which is that India’s electoral efforts in Indian-Occupied Kashmir are perceived as ineffective attempts to mask deeper issues.

The people of Indian–Ooccupied Kashmir appear disinterested in these endeavours, expressing a desire for genuine resolution rather than participating in what they view as theatrical elections. The ultimate solution to the Kashmir issue lies in granting the right to self-determination to the people of Indian occupied Kashmir, rather than perpetuating ineffective electoral processes.

Abdul Basit Alvi
Abdul Basit Alvi
The writer is a freelance columnist


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