No casualties in Bishkek incident: Govt

Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar, along with the Information Minister Ataullah Tarrar held a presser on Sunday, to clarify that no casualties have been reported so far in the Bishkek violence.

Dar held a detailed discussion with his Kyrgyz counterpart, adding that the Pakistani ambassador in Kyrgyzstan kept giving the details from time to time.

Dar said that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is looking at the matter. He also said that about 16 students sustained injuries out of which four were Pakistani.

“These were not only Pakistani students. They also included Indian, Bangladeshi and Arabic students,” said the foreign minister.

He said that about 130 Pakistani students have returned to the country and that 540 more will return today. Dar added that they have restored the emergency unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Speaking about the incident, Dar said that the Kyrgyz FM said their opposition is running campaigns against international students and that it talks against the government’s policy.

FM Dar said that he and Muqam were going to Bishkek, however, the Kyrgyz FM told them not to come as he assured them that the situation was under control.

Dar also said that fake news was spread on social media, adding that not a single student has been killed.

The minister said that about 11,000 students are in Bishkek while 6,000 are in different cities.

Meanwhile, the Information Minister slammed a political party for spreading propaganda on social media regarding the deaths of Pakistani students in Kyrgyzstan’s capital Bishkek during mob violence.

Lamenting that “wrong news” was being spread on social media by a political party, Tarar said that “doing this for political point scoring and to humiliate the government is condemnable”.

Tarar said that the political party spread fake news about death and rape, urging it not to do so. “I believe that such shameful act should not be done in politics,” he stressed.

He added that pictures of Bangladeshi students were posted on social media with the caption alleging that the Pakistani students have been killed in the incident.

Bishkek violence

As per sources, the dispute began over the harassment of Egyptian students by those from Kyrgyztan. The riots, however, broke out after Egyptian students confronted them, he added.

It has been mentioned that the Kyrgyz students then began attacking foreign students, including Pakistani students, across Bishkek.

Students have also complained about non-cooperation of Pakistan embassy in the midst of the violence unfolding in the capital city.

According to local media in Kyrgyzstan, a fight between local and foreign students broke out in a hostel in the capital city on May 13. At least three foreigners, involved in the dispute, were taken into custody.

On the evening of May 17, the local media reported, locals protested in Bishkek, demanding action against the foreigners involved in the dispute.

The chief of Bishkek’s Interior Affairs Directorate requested to end the protest, while the detained foreigners also apologised later. The Kyrgyz media reported that the protesters refused to disperse, instead more people gathered at the spot after which the authorities detained several of them for violating public order.

As per local media, the protesters dispersed after negotiations with the head of federal police.

Pakistani students shared that the riots are continuing in Bishkek and foreign students are surrounded by locals.

“We have been told not to leave the hostels and residences,” students said, adding that they have not received any response from the Pakistani embassy.

The students mentioned that a large number of “mischievous” Kyrgyz youths were present at the Bishkek Manas International Airport.

“Foreign students going to the airport are also being attacked,” they said.


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