Anti-polio drive begins in KP, Balochistan tomorrow

QUETTA: A five-day anti-polio drive in 23 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa begins on Monday.

More than three point five million children up to five years of age will be administered anti-polio drops during the anti-polio drive.

Eighteen thousand and three hundred teams have been constituted which will visit door to door in these districts to administer polio drops to each and every
child. Meanwhile, seven day anti–polio drive will begin in 14 Districts of Balochistan on Monday.

Coordinator Emergency Operation Center Balochistan Syed Zahid Shah said due to expected heatwave in Nasirabad, Sibi, Jaffar Abad, Ustha Muhammad, Dera Bugti
and Sohbatpur the anti-polio drive will begin on 8th June. He said during the drive, more than 1.8 million children up to five years of age would be administered anti-polio drops.



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