Minor schoolgirl dies after eating pizza

The family of an 11-year-old girl sued her school following her death due to an allergic reaction from eating pizza.

The deceased, identified as Emerson Kate Cole, was a student at a Texas middle school and was taken to the nurse’s office after she became sick due to the allergic reaction in January, a local media outlet reported.

In the lawsuit, the family claimed that the school staff would have prevented her death if they had followed her medical plan.

They also alleged that nurse was not at her office when the 11-year-old was taken to her office.

Later, the girl was given a medication at the school after her mother’s permission. However, she threw up the medicine.

Emerson Kate Cole collapsed as her grandmother reached the school and was given CPR by the family.

Paramedics arrived at the school and the girl was rushed to hospital, however, she a few days later.

Reports said that Cole had a dairy allergy and had a 504 plan with the Amarillo Independent School District.

The plan provides staff a guide on how to respond in the event of an allergic reaction which according to the family the school staff failed to follow.

The deceased’s family now demands an unspecified amount of money as they allege that the district did not follow the 504 plan.

In the family’s lawsuit, the statement of a doctor has also been included that claimed that the 11-year-old schoolgirl would have been saved with proper care.

‘Had she received prompt administration of epinephrine when she initially presented with her symptoms, (Cole) would, more likely than not, be with us today,’ the doctor said.


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