No chance of rain in Karachi today

KARACHI: The Met Office has forecast that the weather in Karachi will likely remain hot and humid today (Wednesday) without the possibility of rain, shattering the hopes of residents for a sigh of relief after record high temperatures.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), in a statement on Wednesday, predicted that the megalopolis will continue to bake.

However, the PMD also predicted “a possibility of a slight decrease in temperatures due to the restoration of sea breezes” in the provincial capital of Sindh.

According to the Met Office, the maximum temperature is expected to remain between 37°C to 39°C, with sea breezes blowing at a speed of 18 to 20 kilometres per hour in the port city.

Meanwhile, the minimum temperature is expected to be recorded at 30.7°C.

The prediction by PMD comes after at least eight people died of intense heat in the port city earlier this week.

The Met Office also predicted that Karachi may experience rain after June 28.


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