Woman sues telecom giant for 20 years of paid inactivity

A differently-abled woman in France is suing her former employer, a major telecom company, for allegedly paying her a full salary for two decades without assigning her any work. Laurence Van Wassenhove claims this treatment amounted to harassment and discrimination based on her disability.

According to news reports, Van Wassenhove began working at the company, then known as France Telecom, in 1993. Due to partial paralysis, she was initially placed in roles suitable for her limitations, such as secretary and HR positions.

In 2002, Van Wassenhove requested a transfer within the company. However, her situation took a turn for the worse. While she was transferred, she alleges she was not given any work to do and essentially left idle. Despite this lack of work, Van Wassenhove claims she continued to receive her full salary.

The lawsuit argues that this was not a kind gesture, but rather a tactic by the company to pressure her into quitting without resorting to formal termination. Van Wassenhove says she felt isolated and depressed by the situation, which she fought against but ultimately felt powerless to change.

The company, however, maintains they acted appropriately given Van Wassenhove’s health condition. They claim the decision to pay her without work was made due to her “personal social situation” and frequent illnesses that prevented her from completing assigned tasks.


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