Endless traffic turmoil

The continued closure of the University Road in Karachi is seriously frustrating for those who are condemned to use it for their daily commute; twice every day. This vital road is the main route connecting Gulshan-i-Iqbal, Gulistan-i-Jauhar and adjoining areas with Saddar and I.I. Chundrigar Road where most of the offices are located. To shut down such a crucial road for years is seriously callous.

The various diversion routes are not only risky, but also time-consuming, particularly during rush hours. Besides, narrow streets and lanes are not supposed to facilitate such large number of vehicles, and are already in a bad shape. In fact, there are no potholes on the roads; there are patches of road between the potholes.

The authorities concerned left the work unattended for a long period of time, and now when monsoon rains have already started visiting the city, they have started digging holes right, left and centre. The days ahead are going to be an utter mess on such an arterial road.

The people understand the importance of infrastructure development, but the impact of extended delays on the commuity must be considered. The authorities should expedite the construction and explore alternative arrangements to minimise inconvenience to the commuters.



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