Bridging western misunderstandings and cultural misconceptions

“Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam” (Al-Imran). Islam is defined as the religion in which one surrenders to and follows the commands of Allah. The word “Islam” is an Arabic which means submission or surrender. It derives from the root of Arabic word SLM, which means peace. Therefore, one can manifest the fact that Islam is the religion of peace. Although, Islam is traditionally believed to have originated in the 7th century in Mecca with the commencement of Prophet Muhammad’s preaching, it is important to understand that the principles of Islam are considered to have existed since the beginning of humanity. The Quran vividly explains, “And when your lord(God) said to the angels, ‘ I am creating a human being from clay, from molded mud,’” Al Baqarah (2:30).

When viewed from a Western perspective, Islam is often misunderstood as promoting evils and conservatism, which is not the case at all. The interpretation of Islam in the Western world has been erroneous. Many in the West perceive Islam as a religion that encourages conservatism, backwardness, extremism, inequality, and more. However, this is a fallacious understanding of the religion. Islam itself advocates for updating and modernizing in accordance with the evolving world. Education, tolerance, mental modernity, equality, and equity are among its fundamental teachings. While Islam upholds its values and traditions, this does not mean it promotes violence or any other indecent acts.

The Western world often distorts the true message of Islam, transforming it into something completely contrasting. The fundamental disagreement between the Western and Islamic worlds lies in their ideologies. The Western world is reluctant to allow the proliferation of Islamic ideology because it recognizes that this ideology is profound and could potentially gain global acceptance. Consequently, while the Western community might grant rights to Muslims living there, they often prevent the spread of the Islamic way of life within their own societies.

To overcome the negative image and illustrate the true essence of Islam, it is essential for every individual to understand its actual and authentic philosophy. First, one must recognize the true essence of Islam, which primarily addresses the Creator, humanity, and kindness. It mainly talks about the creator, humanity, and kindness. Afterwards, it also expresses the idea of ethics and morality as Jeffery Lang ,one of the leading American writers, says that more 90% Quran talks about humanity, morality and ethics.

Additionally, Islam offers a comprehensive way of life that includes political and administrative systems, as well as principles of equality and justice. This comprehensive approach is one of the major reasons for the Western world’s animosity towards Islam. We will examine all aspects of Islam thoroughly and explore its compatibility with the modern world.

The foremost commandment of Islam regarding the political system is that governance should be based on rules and boundaries established by God. This aspect is a fundamental reason why the Western world often harbors animosity towards Islam. The West is resistant to challenges in its political domain, believing that its consent-based political system is the finest. Besides, the western world manifests that democracy is her form political system, and she introduces such system to the world. However, true democracy, in fact , is introduced by Islam as all the imperative pillars of the democracy is given by the religion. This argument can be justified via the hadith in sunan abu dawood as Muhammad said “Whoever is appointed to a position of leadership and does not consult those whom he governs has betrayed them.” Likewise, the Quran says “And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves, and from what We have provided them, they spend.” These hadith and verse vibrantly demonstrate that true democracy is introduced by Islam not by the Western world.

The role of administration is also a prominent aspect of DEEN as it teaches and guides about administration and the duties of administrators. In the contemporary world, it is often observed that those in positions of administration hold all the authority and rule over people However, this is not the case in Islam. Administrators are not rulers but servants of the people, with an obligation to provide the necessities and rights that the masses deserve The incident involving from Hazrat Umer R.A(khalifa e waqt) and his response to a question about his dress is a prime example of this principle. Furthermore, Islam presents a comprehensive approach to administration, where every domain should be examined separately. This illustrates that Islam is a religion that not only addresses prayers but also encompasses various other aspects of life.

Additionally, the religion of Islam expresses its thoughts on justice and equality. It teaches that no human being is superior or inferior due to race, caste, or financial condition. The Quran states in Surah An-Nisa: “Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to their owners and when you judge between people, to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Wise.” This verse underscores the importance of justice in both personal and public matters, emphasizing that trusts must be honored and decisions made fairly.

Moreover, other verses in Surahs such as Al-Maidah and Al-Hujrat further elaborate on fairness. Islam also advocates for equality, asserting that no gender, race, or caste should confer superiority. The Quran says: “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” This verse highlights the fundamental equality of all people, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity, and emphasizes that true nobility is based on righteousness and piety, not social or racial distinctions.

Despite the true essence of Islam, unfortunately, the religion has been misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misconceived in the subcontinent. Here, Islam is not fully understood in its true sense but is often exaggerated and amalgamated with Hindu cultures and traditions. One notable example of this blending is the practice of visiting Dargah where worshiping saints and Sufism are prevalent, though such practices are not part of Islam. Similarly, in Hinduism, the celebration of the births and deaths of deities mirrors this phenomenon. Other traditions, such as the practice of dowry, wearing white clothes during mourning, and cultural practices like qawwali and melas, also reflect this syncretism. This is largely due to the historical influence of Hinduism on the ancestors of many people in the region. Additionally, the

concept of Firqa (sectarianism) is prominent in the subcontinent, as people often introduce Islamic concepts according to their own interpretations.

This is a grave issue that should be prioritized. The Ulemas and Muslim scholars who are trusted by the people have the responsibility to convey the true message of Islam. Additionally, it is their duty to reduce sectarianism among Muslims, encourage adherence to the Quran and Sunnah, and promote unity.

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Bilal Khan
Bilal Khan
The writer can be reached at [email protected]


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