I was shocked to see my K-Electric (KE) bill recently. It required a payment of Rs23,892 against a consumption of 404 units. With variable charges of Rs15,759 at the old and new rates and additions of fixed charges, uniform quarterly adjustments, fuel charges adjustment, additional surcharge, surcharge and taxes and duties, the final price that I am forced to pay amounts to Rs60 per unit. On top of that, if I fail to make the exorbitant payment even for one day beyond the due date, I am compelled to pay another Rs1,992, or Rs4.92 per unit, which comes to 8.3 per cent of the total payable amount, and 12.6pc of the KE’s variable charges. If this is not exploitation, what is?
Article 3 of the Constitution reads as follows: “Elimination of Exploitation. The state shall ensure the elimination of all forms of exploitation and the general fulfilment of the fundamental principle, from each according to his ability, to each according to his work.”
In simple, dictionary terms the word ‘exploitation’ means “a situation in which somebody treats somebody else in an unfair way”, and includes “the fact of using a situation in order to get an advantage for yourself”.
Has any government in the last 50 years ever taken a step to end the exploitation of the common man in Pakistan? I am a senior — rather a very senior — citizen. Can anyone tell me why at all should I feel proud of being a common Pakistani?