Reforming Police Practices


In Pakistan, the police force at large has become a symbol of terror, with citizens almost always hesitant about filing com-plaints due to reasons that are too well known to need any elaboration further. The root of this problem lies in the unp- rofessional behaviour of some officers who abuse their authority with impunity, conducting investigations that are at best sloppy, and allowing criminals to escape accountability. This lack of accountability perpetuates a culture of impunity in which innocent people are framed and subjected to harassment, with no criminal being held to account. Similarly, the purpose of investigations is to uncover the truth, but, instead, police often succumb to extraneous pressures, always implicating innocent individuals in serious cases without having even a shred of evidence. It is imperative to amend the existing laws to prevent the victimisation of innocent people, and to make sure that police personnel receive comprehensive training on good behaviour and professional conduct while carrying out their duties. Only then can we restore the public’s trust in our law-enforcement agencies.

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