Pakistan invites Indian PM Modi to SCO summit scheduled for October

  • FO spokesperson says as rotation chair of SCO, Pakistan would invite leaders of all member states

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan officially extended an invitation to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday to attend the upcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit scheduled to be held in October.

According to diplomatic sources, the invitation was sent as part of the preparations for the SCO meeting, where the heads of state from member countries have been invited.

The Foreign Office have dispatched formal invitation letters to the respective high commissions and embassies of the member states.

The SCO summit is expected to bring together leaders from member countries to discuss various regional and international issues, with the potential to pave the way for renewed dialogue and cooperation.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch already announced on July 4, 2024, that Pakistan will invite Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to attend the SCO Summit, which Islamabad will host in October this year.

Speaking at her weekly news briefing in Islamabad, the foreign office spokesperson said that Pakistan would host the SCO Heads of State summit in October.

When asked whether the Indian prime minister will be extended an invitation, the FO spokesperson said that as the rotation chair of the SCO, Pakistan would invite leaders of all member states.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is an Eurasian political, economic, international security, and defence organisation established by China and Russia in 2001.

It is the world’s largest regional organisation in terms of geographic scope and population, covering approximately 80% of the area of Eurasia and 40% of the world’s population.

As of 2023, its combined GDP based on PPP was around 32% of the world’s total. The SCO is governed by the Heads of State Council (HSC), its supreme decision-making body, which meets once a year.


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