Marking the whole world

The Palestinian problem must be solved swiftly

The Palestinian conflict, now stretching over seven decades, is not merely a regional issue but one that reverberates globally, carrying the weight of human rights violations, territorial disputes, and a fight for self-determination. The failure to resolve this issue has left an indelible mark on the Middle East and has profound implications for global peace. The time has come to confront this reality: without immediate and lasting solutions, the situation will continue to fester, not only destabilizing the region but also threatening the peace and security of the entire world.

For years, the Palestinian people have endured occupation, oppression, and systemic violence, with countless UN resolutions, peace plans, and diplomatic efforts falling short. The two-state solution, long considered the cornerstone of any viable peace process, has been systematically undermined by continued settlement expansion in the West Bank, the blockade of Gaza, and the erosion of Palestinian political rights. The international community, particularly Western powers, have played a major role in either directly or indirectly sustaining the status quo, often turning a blind eye to the atrocities and denying the Palestinians the right to their land, resources, and sovereignty.

The continued silence of major global actors, despite resolutions such as UN Security Council Resolution 242 and the Fourth Geneva Convention, speaks to the hypocrisy embedded in the political discourse surrounding the issue. The USA, in particular, has acted as a consistent shield for Israel in international forums, undermining Palestinian aspirations. The Trump Administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and its support for Israel’s settlement policies are stark examples of how the global balance of power has shifted in Israel’s favour, rendering Palestinian rights invisible.

The failure to act is not just a failure to the Palestinian people; it is a failure to global justice, peace, and humanity. The Palestinian cause is not a distant conflict but one that is intrinsically tied to the broader fight against imperialism, oppression, and the denial of basic human rights. The world must act decisively, with a renewed sense of urgency and resolve, to ensure that the Palestinian people are afforded the freedom and dignity they have long been denied. The time for a lasting solution is now— for the future of Palestine, the Middle East, and the world itself depend on this

Pakistan, however, has stood as a vocal and steadfast advocate for Palestine. From the very beginning of the Israeli occupation, Pakistan has been one of the few countries that consistently voiced its support for Palestinian sovereignty. In the UN, Pakistan has spearheaded initiatives aimed at highlighting the Palestinian plight, pushing for resolutions that condemn Israeli aggression and occupation. Pakistan’s stance has been clear: the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, is non-negotiable.

Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to the Palestinian cause is rooted in historical, religious, and ideological ties. The Palestinian struggle resonates deeply with the people of Pakistan, who view the issue as a symbol of resistance against imperialism and oppression. Pakistan has consistently aligned itself with Arab nations and Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East, and its foreign policy reflects a dedication to ending the occupation and ensuring Palestinian self-determination. Additionally, Pakistan’s military and strategic alliances, particularly with countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey, position it as a key player in any broader regional peace initiative.

The impact of this conflict has extended far beyond the borders of Palestine, with ramifications that affect the entire Middle East and beyond. The displacement of millions of Palestinian refugees, the disruption of peace in neighbouring countries, and the rise of extremism fueled by unresolved grievances have made the conflict a key driver of regional instability. This is a reality that cannot be ignored; the longer this issue persists, the more likely it is to spark further violence and sow division not only within the Middle East but across the world.

A crucial component of the debate on Palestinian statehood lies within international law, specifically the Montevideo Convention of 1933, which outlines the criteria for statehood in the modern international system. According to the Convention, for any entity to be recognized as a state, it must fulfil the following four criteria: a permanent population, a defined territory, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states.

Palestine clearly meets these criteria. It has a defined territory (the West Bank and Gaza), a permanent population (of over five million people), and an established government (the Palestinian Authority). Moreover, Palestine has the capacity to engage in international relations, as demonstrated by its diplomatic missions worldwide and its recognition by over 130 countries. Yet, despite these attributes, Palestine remains denied full statehood recognition by some major global powers, particularly the USA and Israel, which continue to block its formal recognition at the United Nations.

This discrepancy highlights the inherent contradictions in the international legal system. While Palestine fulfils the basic criteria for statehood under the Montevideo Convention, it is still denied the sovereignty that would grant it full membership in the international community. This raises the question of why Palestine’s statehood is consistently undermined, despite meeting the legal qualifications set forth by international law.

It is imperative to seek solutions, both short-term and long-term, to break the cycle of violence and pave the way for lasting peace. In the short term, there needs to be an immediate halt to Israeli settlement expansion and an end to the invasion of Gaza. Humanitarian aid must be allowed to reach those who need it most, and the international community must apply consistent pressure on Israel to respect international law and cease its violations of Palestinian rights. The recognition of a Palestinian state within the pre-1967 borders should be a foundational step, backed by the establishment of clear timelines for the cessation of occupation.

In the long term, a comprehensive peace agreement must be pursued, one that ensures security for all parties involved but also guarantees the recognition of Palestinian sovereignty, the right of return for refugees, and East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. The role of the United Nations, regional powers, and even non-governmental organizations must be pivotal in mediating peace talks that place Palestinian aspirations at the centre of the discussion. Additionally, the international community must hold Israel accountable for its actions, ensuring that all parties are equally subject to international law.

Pakistan’s role in shaping this peace process should not be underestimated. It has consistently called for a fair resolution, advocating for the protection of Palestinian rights in international forums, and supporting efforts aimed at achieving a just two-state solution. Pakistan’s voice continues to be a critical force in challenging the geopolitical dynamics that favor Israel and work against Palestinian self-determination.

The failure to act is not just a failure to the Palestinian people; it is a failure to global justice, peace, and humanity. The Palestinian cause is not a distant conflict but one that is intrinsically tied to the broader fight against imperialism, oppression, and the denial of basic human rights. The world must act decisively, with a renewed sense of urgency and resolve, to ensure that the Palestinian people are afforded the freedom and dignity they have long been denied. The time for a lasting solution is now— for the future of Palestine, the Middle East, and the world itself depend on this.

Majid Nabi Burfat
Majid Nabi Burfat
The writer is a freelance columnist


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