Finance Minister leaves for US to attend annual meetings of IMF, WB

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb on Sunday left for the United States to attend the annual meetings of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank.

According to the Finance Ministry, Minster Muhammad Aurangzeb is travelling to Washington, DC to participate in the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group scheduled to be held from October 21 to 26. The main sessions will take place from October 22 to 25. Aurangzeb will be accompanied by a delegation that includes the finance and economic affairs secretaries, the governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, and other officials from the financial sector.

According to the Finance Ministry officials, Finance Minister Aurangzeb will meet with top officials of IMF and World Bank during his visit to US. Finance Minister will also meet with his counterpart of China, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Turkey on the sidelines of the annual meetings. The officials divulged that meetings with senior officials of the US State and Treasury Departments are also part of the finance minister visit.

Finance Minister will also hold meetings with officials of global credit rating agencies, commercial banks, especially investment banks of the Middle East.

He will brief global media and world leaders about the country’s economic scenario while addressing investment forums and seminars during the visit. Aurangzeb will visit the famous think tanks of America. Finance Minister will also hold meetings with selected international and American media representatives.


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