PTI vows to repeal ‘unconstitutional’ amendments after regaining power

ISLAMABAD: Barrister Muhammad Ali Khan Saif, Information Advisor to the Chief Minister of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, has declared that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party will work to abolish what it deems “controversial and unconstitutional” amendments once it regains power.

Saif asserted that the constitutional amendments were passed under severe circumstances, including abductions, violations of domestic sanctity, and dishonoring women. He condemned the government for what he described as an attack on the Supreme Court and the constitution itself.

“The fake government carried out abductions and attacked the Supreme Court under the cover of darkness. The process of these amendments is a clear indication that the constitution has been stabbed in the back,” he stated. He emphasized that the rushed nature of the amendments was a strategy to avoid implementing Supreme Court decisions.

Saif vowed that the PTI would take immediate action to repeal the amendments upon returning to power, asserting that the party’s struggle would intensify as a result. “Those who voted for these unconstitutional changes will never be forgiven by history. They will not escape the public’s wrath,” he warned.

He expressed confidence in the upcoming elections, predicting that the public would reject the ruling coalition: “In the upcoming elections, the people will neither vote for them nor will they receive Form 47. PTI’s firm stance against these controversial amendments will be remembered in history in golden letters.”

Saif further praised PTI parliamentarians for their resistance to what he called fascism, labeling those who betrayed Imran Khan as traitors. “The nation curses them, and history will never forgive these traitors,” he declared, urging the legal community to join PTI in a decisive battle against the unconstitutional amendments.

This declaration follows PTI’s decision to boycott the voting process for the 26th Constitutional Amendments in both the National Assembly and Senate, citing a lack of transparency and accusing the ruling coalition of undermining democracy.

Meanwhile, President Asif Ali Zardari has ratified the 26th Constitutional Amendment, which has now become law following its approval by both houses of Parliament. The amendment is officially integrated into Pakistan’s legal framework after its publication in the official gazette.

Earlier, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had submitted the amendment to President Zardari for final approval after it passed with a two-thirds majority in both the Senate and the National Assembly.


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