Free Media a cornerstone of democracy: German Ambassador

ISLAMABAD: The Embassy of Germany and the Embassy of the Netherlands, both members of the Media Freedom Coalition (MFC), hosted a panel discussion titled “Media Freedom and Democracy – Challenges and Opportunities”.

This event brought together journalists, diplomats, and community members for an open dialogue about the crucial role of media in shaping democracy.

Both representatives of the countries emphasized the role of a free press in strengthening democracy and fostering informed societies.

Commenting on the occasion, Ambassador Alfred Grannas highlighted: “A free press is a precondition for a thriving democracy; this is why, for instance, we offer journalists from all over the world additional training courses with the DW Academy, both in Germany and online.”

Mr Hajo Provó Kluit, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Netherlands Embassy added: “That is why the Netherlands supports a 3-year project of NGO Free Press Unlimited helping rural journalists in Pakistan enhance their role as accountability advocates.

During the discussion German Ambassador Alfred Grannas, said that free and independent media was indispensable for democratic booming. Democary couldn’t
thrive sans freedom of expression.

The event underscored the commitment of both Germany and the Netherlands to upholding media freedom as a cornerstone of democracy. The discusants

acknowledged ongoing challenges while also highlighting opportunities for collaboration and growth within the country’s media landscape.


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