Young cadet martyred defending mosque worshippers in Lakki Marwat

LAKKI MARWAT: Gentleman Cadet Arif Ullah, a 19-year-old under training at the Pakistan Military Academy, embraced martyrdom on Friday, while defending worshippers during a militant attack on a mosque in Lakki Marwat.

Present in the mosque during Maghrib prayers, Cadet Arif Ullah confronted the attackers, sacrificing his life to protect fellow worshippers in a show of extraordinary bravery.

Gentleman Cadet Arif Ullah, who was on leave from the PMA in Kakul and visiting his hometown, was in the mosque offering prayers when the attack unfolded. As the militants began firing, Arif Ullah, age 19 and a resident of Lakki Marwat, responded immediately, bravely engaging the attackers to protect fellow worshippers.

In the ensuing confrontation, Arif Ullah embraced martyrdom, sacrificing his life while saving countless innocent lives in the mosque. His courageous stand against the attackers exemplifies the spirit of sacrifice and dedication among Pakistan’s security forces in the fight against terrorism.

The cowardly attack on innocent worshippers during prayers highlights the ruthless ideology of the Khwarij. The valor and sacrifice displayed by Gentleman Cadet Arif Ullah serve as a powerful reminder of the commitment of Pakistan’s security personnel to eradicate terrorism and strengthen the nation’s resolve against such threats.


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